New tru 3D valentine animation:almond bread:manna&the grail

2/14/99 from the heart ..dan winter a long phi wave..

heartlinked new 3D valentine for valentines day commenting on the final starfire episode link in the grail series. with best radically new heart in heart 3D perspective animation... (there not little..but worth it..)
is your valentine in the next dimension..?

intro exerpt follows

3D Valentine: Deeply Embedded in the Heart
from Dan Winter, Valentines Day 2/14/99
Dedicated to Kristy.. down under
Benoit Mandelbrot rediscovers the principle of Fractals:
the Mandelbrot Set
Mandel: German for "Almond", Brot = "Bread"
So literally "Almond Bread" is our name for Fractality..?
Is it fractality that makes a grid gold?All-Monde Bread:
Gold's Fractal Structure vs: Embedding as Immortality
for all the world like an all monde...
(full size grail and also the implication:inhabiting phi-re -> heart ignites grid)
then simply having revolved the 2 golden mean spirals in the heart shape into 3D,
valentines day comes into a new dimension..
you are deeply embedded now.. in the heart..

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