Pillar Eleven LEGIONS OF LIGHT Pillar Thirteen
Light Products
The Final Frontier is our accepting the idea of an Infinite and Prosperous Universe.There are plenty of resources and Castles for us All! This is the end of hierarchy -- We Earthlings are the Ultimate testimony to prove this.  That is why the seal of our motto of business at LEGIONS OF LIGHT, is the LIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE.

"There is a seat for you still at our Table"

Let us commit to our Selves now once and for all that competition is unnecessary. That in fact what modern physicists have proven is the reality -- that we create our reality. Our Holographic Uni-verses have this one common denominator. This is a Free Will Zone, established for us to chose Love. As our own Masters, we can chose to only see a Land of Plenty. This section of LEGIONS OF LIGHT is dedicated for the barter and exchange of energy in the form of monetary and resource gain. No one wins unless we all win. No one prospers unless we all prosper.

There shall be no lost lambs in the Father/ Mother's Kingdom!


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