Quotes about War and Peacemaking

"Apathy is a dominant gene. Mutate." An E-mail signature from a Neuroscience Center

"Our best hope for survival is to change the way we think about enemies and warfare. Instead of being hypnotized by the enemy we need to begin looking at the eyes with which we see the enemy." Sam Keen

"Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that we have to erect the ramparts of peace." UNESCO Charter

"The greatest warrior is one who never has to use his sword." Anon

"Every war is against the world and every war aginst the world is lost." Alice Walker

"Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him." Martin Luther King, Jr.

"At the root of all war is fear." Thomas Merton

"What if, instead of thinking of your problem or enemy as something wrong, you thought of it as a story in need of a change of direction? What if you thought of it as a path to someplace important, gone crooked? What if you thought of it as a messenger? What if you thought of your problem as a solution, or your enemy as an ally in disquise?" Dawna Markova, PH.D.


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