THERE is no longer an "I", no longer an individuality, no longer
any limits. There is only the immense universe, our sublime Mother,
burning with an ardent fire of purification in honour of Thee, O
Lord, divine Master, sovereign Will, so that this Will may meet
with no farther obstacle in the way of its realisation.
A mighty canticle of fervent love and exultation arises to Thee,
O Lord, all the earth in an inexpressible ecstasy unites with Thee.
Let Thy potent breath feed the brazier, that it may become ever
vaster and more formidable, that all darkness and blind resistance
may be absorbed, set ablaze, transfigured into Light in the
marvellous purifying flame.
Oh, the peace-giving splendour of Thy purification!
--- The Mother CW.Vol.I
September 1, 1914
O MOTHER Divine, with what fervour, what ardent love I came to
Thee in Thy Deepest consciousness, in Thy high status of sublime
love and perfect felicity, and I nestled so close into Thy arms and
loved Thee with so intense a love that I became altogether Thyself.
Then in the silence of our mute ecstasy a voice from yet profounder
depths arose and the voice said, "Turn towards those who have need
of thy love."
All the grades of consciousness appeared, all the
successive worlds. Some were splendid and luminous, well ordered
and clear; there knowledge was resplendent, expression was
harmonious and vast, will was potent and invincible.
Then the
worlds darkened in a multiplicity more and more chaotic, the Energy
became violent and the material world obscure and sorrowful. And
when in our infinite love we perceived in its entirety the hideous
suffering of the world of misery and ignorance, when we saw our
children locked in a sombre struggle, flung upon each other by
energies that had deviated from their true aim, we willed ardently
that the light of Divine Love should be made manifest, a
transfiguring force at the centre of these distracted elements.
Then, that the will might be yet more powerful and effective, we
turned towards Thee, O unthinkable Supreme, and we implored Thy
aid. And from the unsounded depths of the Unknown a reply came
sublime and formidable and we knew that the earth was saved.
--- The Mother CW.Vol.I
and a quote from a contemporary book, Heart and Soul, by Daphne Kingman.
"Love of the heart is love of the emotional body, an elegant dance of
connection enacted in the emotional realm. when we fall in love we are
suddenly united with our purest emotional essence. We feel radiant,
happy, ecstatic; we feel beautiful, hopeful and blessed. We are
transformed not only by the possibilities of the particular love, but also
of life itself. Gladness is with us and we feel suddenly illumined, and
when we live in an intimate relationship, we continue this heartful
journey. Here the sharing of feelings - delight and sorrow, fear and rage,
anguish and joy - connects us to one another to a very high degree.
Love of the heart is an exquisite, endlessly changing tableau, the play and
interplay of emotions between two human beings. but the love of the soul
is love supreme. It is love in our spiritual essence and of our eternal
belonging. In this deep love we ascend above our emotions - how we feel,
what's troubling us - and into a realm of mystical, nonmaterial essence,
the realm of the ecstatic.
For in our souls, we are all warp and weft of the one great seamless cloth,
woven together of all that we have been, all that we shall be - our
victories and majesties and sorrows, our tragedies and grand heroic
moments. In the soul's love we sense far within us, as if written in
faint, faded ink on the ancient notebooks of our genes, that we have been
all things - both male and female, parent and child, abuser and abused,
villager and king. to behold one another through this great encompassing
love, love indivisible, love uncompromising, brilliant, radiant, and
immense, is to behold the whole of human history, the face of God, in a
single human being's eyes.
The journey of the heart to the love that flowers in joyful emotions, and
the journey of the soul's deep longing to carry us all back home,. these
are not two separate journeys, actually, but a single, parallel, interwoven
adventure. for, we are not only personalities, psychological beings with
histories and emotions, but also souls who have as their ultimate longing a
reunion with the divine; and it is this union for which all our
relationships are a metaphor.
"Someday, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides
and gravity....we shall harness the energies of love. Then, for
the second time in the history of the world, man will have
discovered fire." -Pierre Teilhard de Chardin