Just came in from swimming
About to head to bed; been us since 4 AM.
Had in MIND to create some kind of
The idea started yesterday
when I noticed a potential problem.
I didn’t worry about it too much.
I just noticed it and saw a need.
I went to bed when I was tired last night.
I rested. I didn't push the river.
When my mind was young again.
The SEED DREAM hit me--
I felt excitement; enough energy to get out of bed.
I listened more.
I heard many inspirations and directions,
all relevant..
I took down some TO DO's knowing I could not
possibly DO to all now.
Then I settled in on one creation:
PUT together my NEW statement,
my NOTEBOOK of COLLECTED Bits and pieces
all adding UP to NOW.
During the day I am in the swamp. sometimes.
I can really get stuck.
I can lose two hours of energy just worrying,
and find two hours extra when I don't.
When I go too fast I waste time, and going to fast makes me worry.
When I slow down
I accomplish.
During the day, I can't find the paper I need.
At night, there can be 10,000 papers.
My mind knows where to go,
exactly where I need to go once my
WITH PURPOSE, I can find anything.
With INTENTION, I can swim the inner
oceans among the best.
It is grand, and it is learnable.
During the day, sometimes I can't swim at all.
My bones and muscles feel stuck.
At night, when the world sleeps.
IT is beyond Olympic.
I am Dolphin.