Enjoy your co-dependence while you still have it

Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 11:34:13 EDT
From: EnGarden@aol.com

this morning poem... feedback welcome... thanks, Leslie

Enjoy Your Co-dependence While You Still Have It
Allow someone else to take up residence
in your own heart. Enjoy the fun and games
while they are happening.
Then accept all the good growth that follows
no matter what it looks like.
Choose to be intimate.
You will become intimate with you.

Lose your self in another.
Accept you have taken someone else inside.
Find another person who will be there
long enough to let your self seep out.
Breathe another person in.
When it is time, breathe them out and you back in.
Repeat the process, hopefully
with the same person.
Love has done this to you on purpose.
Accept this process is DIVINE.

Pray to God that you can be someone who will
still be there through thick and thin.
Be that kind of person for someone else,
and they will be that for you.
Repeat the process until
you take up residence in your own heart.

Accept you are very little in some place
you never imagined was still inside you.
Don't pretend you are more
together than you really imagine you are.

Stop kicking your self around for being human.
Accept you have lost your self when you have.
Feel the fear. Allow being scared.
Don't hide it. Give up the feeling you ought to be bigger than this.
Give up feeling guilty because BIG men and ADULT women aren't suppose to cry
or feel these kind of feelings.
Accept your weakness to feel what
it going on inside you as your strength.
Accept your weakness as your strength.
Accept the naturalness that you never got
what you needed to grow up naturally.
Do this, and you will be weaned
of your past hurts.

The truth is, no one was there for you, not even you,
because no one ever showed you how.

Accept the one you love as who they are.
This is a way to become mature.
Continue to love them, no matter
how the form of your relationship shifts.
Former lovers make good best friends.
Enjoy your Co-dependence
while you still have it.
it is inevitable you will grow out of it.
Do these things.
This is one way to learn to stand on uncharted ground
in your own life. This is one way
to establish a new ground of being in the world.
This is one way to become your own best friend.

8:18 AM
April 10, 1999


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