All is well in the world.
Today is an auspicious day in the garden.
I pull the Oxalis from the Peppermint patch
revealing what I had not seen but only hoped for,
the return of my forthcoming Peppermint bed
where I will lie this late Spring.
The on and off switches that control the Job's Tears patch
have sophisticated on the hose. It takes a few minutes to figure
out the new plan that pours forth water.
I get down on my knees to pull weeds. The fertile womb
of the mother consumes me, and makes marks on my pant legs.
I ate raw meat for breakfast. I find myself growling
and making animal sounds I never heard before from my mouth.
Miracle of Miracles! The Angelica Archangel, my totem plant
that represents prolific abundance,
honors the invisible helpers, and the female spirit,
has decided FINALLY --after THREE years of patience on my part--
to put out its FIRST glimpses of a SEED HEAD.
There will be a NEXT generation.
I am taking the day off to change the sheets,
give away old clothes, and rise to another level
of Feng Shui in my intimate space.
I'm determined to raise my own bar TODAY for the Queen
who will come to visit. I will draw her in through
becoming more a King myself.
She will be a young Queen on the path, a woman who has self care in hand,
initiated to the garden teachings, and still bleeds.
My last lover, a young Princess, rich in the ways of pleasure
when her mind allows it, has bestowed upon me
her laughing face that still lives inside my own smile.
One object of our affection is a Fingerling potato that
thoroughly gave pleasure to the insides of a very happy woman.
And so today our sex toy takes up residence in a Mason Jar
that says "Ball." I feed it rain water and give it a good dousing.
It is already sprouting. I feed it more rain water
from her garden captured days o.k.
Some sprinkles of bio-dynamic fairie dust consummate this offering.
I bestow around the jar a lay from Hawaii
that a beautiful Goddess-like woman gave me.
I give it an honored place
on a bed stand at the side of my bed
on the woman's side where it will grow
my next lover who will come to enjoy it and feast on its offspring.
The future looks good. There is an abundance in the world
of playful women seeking pleasures
like these, and men who are learning the subtleties
of when to hold on and when to let go.
Oh Fingerling, my companion, grow your rich green leaves.