The Breath of Light Center evolved under the auspicies of beloved Ashtar, Sananda and Lord Michael. The intent was to offer a center of LIGHT, assisting in anchoring Heaven on Earth along withthe awakening of humanity to their true divinity. To provide universal truth and knowledge, as well as to have available a combination of ASCENSION techniques, Healing Modalities, Workshops, Classes, and Meditations.
Within the center a golden vortex of higher-dimensional energy exists, connecting the center to Shambhalla, Ashtar's Merkaba Ship, and Lord Michael's domain.
The center offers many presentators throughout the year who share their knowledge, wisdom, healing, and ascension techniques. Workshops and intensive courses are available at different times throughout the year.
The center offers an ongoing six-month, intensive, certified Healing Workshop that includes many healing modalities such as: Neo-reichian therapy, Higher-Self Attunment, Chakra Healing and Balancing, Sound Healing, Ehteric Healing and removal of devices, Past Life Healings, Time Line Therapy, Dimensional Work, etc..
The center is dedicated to anchoring the Christed Energies, and unifying the Collective Messiah.
ENERGY EXCHANGE $44 (cash only)
Rev. Janet Pon will offer an experiential, intensive workshop, teaching Etheric Healing, Pastlife Healing, removal of entities, implants & devicies. Janet is a Reiki Master & golden Energy Ascension Healer. Bring a pendulum & massage table if you have one.
July 19, 10am-2pm ASCENSION WORKSHOP
Energy Exchange $44
Diane Newton M.A., will once again offer this intensive, Lightbody acceleration workshop. Hear what others have to say about this workshop:
Join us every Sunday at 5pm for a group Meditation, Planeteary Healing & Fun!
Potluck & Free!