Vetinarian Dr. Michael W. Fox says, this is "the worst case of animal abuse I have ever documented."


Hello, everyone, this is Barbara Wolf.

Your positive energy is needed to solve a serious problem between Humanity and the animal kingdom.

Sue Arnold of Australia holds firmly to this visualization: Loki free of chains, going to the IPAN sanctuary, resting in a clean stall with fresh hay, surrounded by love.

Will you help energize her thought form?

Loki is a 40 year old, tuskless elephant living captivity in Tamil Nadu State Forest, southern India. He was held in a log crate for nearly 7 months, unable to walk, bathe, or lie down. Eventually, IPAN, India Project for Animals and Nature, was allowed to treat his festering wounds. When permission was withdrawn, further efforts were made to help the elephant, and eventually IPAN again received permission. Here is what happened next:

"On March 1, with a jeep-load of food taken to the Elephant Camp, Deanna Krantz, Director of IPAN, was told by Forest Officers that they had received a message from an Indian official that IPAN could only view Loki and not feed him or provide veterinary care."

Deanna Krantz writes: "I saw a vision from hell. His wounds are re-infected, he's half his size, and his front legs are closely shackled. He came hobbling toward us, with a heavy drag chain on his one good hind leg that he had to lift high every time he moved. When he saw Nigel, he moaned and tears gushed from his eyes."

Loki has bonded with Nigel Otter, IPAN's Field Manager, who earlier treated the abused elephant.

It is the opinion of vetinarian Dr. Michael W. Fox that Loki is dying from the abuse. Please pray for him to hold on until we can find help.

Sue Arnold of Australia, who first told me about Loki, says: "The plight of Loki is so painful because it's impossible not to recognise this creature's soul and intelligence and the knowledge that we are surrounded by other intelligent, highly sentient sensitive beings."

Folks, Humanity is the guardian of the animal kingdom. Loki stands for what is not right between Humanity and the animal kingdom. There is a lack of respect here, a lack of responsibility.

Efforts have been made to reach Indian government officials, but it is my understanding that fax machines have been turned off, and other means of communication ignored. Probably the matter has become too embarrassing to handle.

In my opinion, a mountain of neglect and ignorance needs to be moved here, and in my opinion, this mountain will not be moved unless the world puts it's shoulder to it and moves it.

You are the world. I ask you to move this mountain. Let us use the Internet, via email, to move it.

I have searched the Internet and found email addresses for Indian newspapers, a national tourist office, and the New York Consul General.

Newspapers spread news, tourist agencies don't like bad publicity, and the Consul General reaches into the heart of the Indian government. Let us try these emails first. Also, please spread the word, and post on Internet bulletin boards.

Anyone who has an email address that can reach 'mountain movers' (newspapers, government officials, etc.), please email and I will post these, as well as updates and comments on

If you copy/paste my message (below) onto an email form I have prepared for you, then all of us will be emailing the same people requesting the moving of the mountain. We play our trumpets loud and clear to bring down this mountain of ignorance and disrespect!

Yet, remember, folks, in my opinion, we cannot move a mountain using negative thoughts. We want positive action, and a positive outcome, and so we must energize a positive thought of what we want, which is, freedom for Loki the elephant, and respect for the animal kingdom.

Therefore, the emails need to be sent with Love and understanding that there are some in this world who, because of ignorance, make wrong turns. We wish them to join us in our efforts to make Sue Arnold's visualization a reality: Loki free of chains, going to the IPAN sanctuary, resting in a clean stall with fresh hay, surrounded by love.

Below is the email message I ask you to copy/paste onto an email form you can click to just below my name.

Love and Light,
Barbara Wolf
Click here to email everyone above.
Click here to email everyone above.


EMAIL MESSAGE for you to copy/paste:


Vetinarian Dr. Michael W. Fox says, this is "the worst case of animal abuse I have ever documented."

I wish to draw your attention to a recent IPAN (Indian Project for Animals and Nature) report concerning Loki the elephant held by chains at Tamil Nadu State Forest, India. Indian officials are doing nothing to help the abused elephant.

>From the report:
"I saw a vision from hell. His wounds are re-infected, he's half his size, and his front legs are closely shackled. He came hobbling toward us with a heavy drag chain on his one good hind leg that he had to lift high every time he moved. When he saw Nigel, he moaned and tears gushed from his eyes."

As a member of the concerned world, I ask you to help free Loki from these awful conditions so he can be given a home at the IPAN animal sanctuary where he can be treated for his festering wounds in a clean stall with fresh hay, surrounded by love.

Love and Light,
sign your name and your country.

Emails are being sent to
India News, India News travel department, India Express (newspaper), India Server (news service), New York Consul General of India, The Government of India Tourist Office, The Times of India, India Daily, The Indian Express, India Current Affairs, The Statesman, The Hindu, The Telegraph,



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