......Here is Bill Curry's Blue World MEASUREMENTS message..... With such
data in hand, I CAN ACTUALLY SEE IT!!!!!
I hope it illustrates TO ALL of our readers (and to those to whom you may
pass this message) ... WHY ... EMF is not just a problem for the folks who
live next to the antennas or next to the power lines.....
Because of the ubiquitous nature of the EMF environment ... it should be
... EVERYBODY's concern.....
True, your neighborhood probably is not like those measured by Bill....
But it will be!!!! Someday ... if we continue to "go along" with what is
happening -- what our government is ACTUALLY PROMOTING......
I cannot imagine that the folks from NIEHS, EPA, CDC, etc., can read the
following with indifference.......
It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness...
.................PEOPLE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN PROFITS...............
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 00:17:49 -0500
From: "Bill P. Curry" address withheld by Jeff
To: "Roy L. Beavers" rbeavers@llion.org
Subject: How "blue" is our world?
I am on a trip and sending this from my laptop. You have often asked
how "blue' is our world. I'll tell you about part of it. I just bought a
new "EM Eye" field strength and radiation survey meter. I have been
trying it out on this trip. I took the AMTRAK train from Washington, DC
(where I was in a meeting) to Stamford, CT. While my train was parked on
a siding in New York City between Pennsylvania Station and the Bronx, I
casually measured the radiation level in several directions out my window.
Note that there were rows of apartment houses near the train tracks, so
what I measured was bathing all the inhabitants.
There were also two different complexes of tall antennas in view. One was
about 2 miles away and one about 4 miles away. When I turned the meter
on, it went off scale. I changed the scale and got results fluctuating in
the neighborhood of 100 microwatts per square centimeter. As I turned the
meter more toward the north, the reading rose to 300 microwatts per square
centimeter. Fearing that maybe the close in radiation was coming from
microwave or RF sources on the train, I measured the ambient level inside
the train car, and it was much lower.
The ultimate proof, though, was when the train started again and we went
through a deep railroad trench. The radiation level outside the window
then dropped to less than one microwatt per square centimeter, so the
levels I measured when the train was above ground must have been correct!
Later, when I got to Connecticut and joined my wife, (who had flown in
earlier from Chicago to visit her parents) at a motel in Stamford, I
measured the ambient level inside the motel, and it was down to about 0.1
microwatt per square centimeter.
Incidentally, the radiation environment in thepart of NYC where I was on
the train was so complex, that I could not get the meter to zero in on a
dominant frequency. (The meter is not a spectrum analyzer, but can
measure frequency if one source is dominant by at least 20 decibels.) It
gave an error message, because there were too many different sources that
covered too large a frequency range. (The power density readings
corresponded to all sources between about 2 MHz and 2 GHz.) I later
tested the frequency counting capability of the instrument with a cell
phone of the old analog type. It gave various readings varying a bit in
the vicintiy of 890 MHz. This is as expected for a roaming cell phone.
The bottom line is this: in the area where I made the readings, they
were 1000 to 3000 times higher than the level that Neil Cherry thinks is
the threshold for ill effects and more than 12 to 40 times the level at
which cancers occurred when the Soviet Union microwaved the US Ebassy in
Moscow. (See J.R. Goldsmith's paper in Environmental Health Perspectives
in late 1997.)
Also, these readings were from 30 to 100 times higher than the level of
radiation in the Lookout Mountain case in Colorado, where 5 brain cancers
were found in a population of 1800 - where less than one would be expected
in the absence of a causative agent.
More and more, the question of rights of oppressed citizenry (by
government and industry) is becoming an issue of social justice. Those
who have the means can sometimes either move away from electropollution or
havethe clout to keep it away from their neighborhoods. Sadly, those who
don't and can't are also usually uninformed about the peril to which they
are being subjected!
Like it or not, I am afraid that we are embarked on an incredible human
health experiment on an unparalleled scale in human history! God help us
.......A quick guru comment: I'm sure it didn't occur to Bill -- but his
last sentence is almost word for word out of a passage I recall in Robert
Becker's book, The Body Electric.......