New Scientist Planet Science: Victims of Vaccines

Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 00:51:17 -0400
From: "Dave"

--Debora Mackenzie


originally isolated from sharks could explain Gulf War syndrome. Blood tests on sick veterans in the US show that nearly all produce antibodies to squalene, a component of some experimental vaccines.

Congress's General Accounting Office (GAO), which was asked to investigate, can't say for sure whether squalene was used on Gulf War troops. But it is now demanding further tests for squalene antibodies in military personnel. The Department of Defense is opposed to this.

Around 100 000 troops who served in the 1991 Gulf conflict with Iraq developed a mysterious illness involving memory loss, thyroid disorders, allergies, fatigue, rashes and persistent pain. Military authorities and sufferers have long argued over the cause of the symptoms and whether a distinct syndrome even exists.

Bob Garry, a virologist at Tulane University in New Orleans, has now tested 400 Gulf War veterans for antibodies to squalene, a polymer of fatty acids found in small quantities in human cell membranes. Ninety-five per cent of the veterans suffering from Gulf War syndrome (GWS) had high levels of squalene antibodies. People don't usually have enough squalene in their blood to prompt the production of detectable levels of antibodies, and none of the veterans without symptoms had antibodies. Garry's results have been peer reviewed, he says, and await publication.

Squalene can be released into the blood by physical injuries, where it boosts the immune system's response to foreign antigens. This "adjuvant" effect means it is widely used in animal vaccines. Squalene is not licensed for use as an adjuvant in people, although it has been used experimentally on about 12 000 people.

Garry also tested two volunteers who had received experimental herpes vaccines containing squalene in trials run by the US National Institutes of Health. Both have high levels of squalene antibodies and symptoms similar to GWS. This suggests that GWS could be caused by the body turning against its own, natural squalene.

Jim Turner, a spokesman for the Department of Defense, says: "During the Gulf War, we never used squalene in vaccines." But many soldiers' vaccination records have been lost, which makes this difficult to verify. Jack Metcalf, a Republican member of Congress from Washington state, who asked the GAO to investigate, says: "In light of the number of misstatements DoD made to the GAO during this investigation, we cannot be expected to simply accept their denial of squalene use."

Vaccines have often come under suspicion as a cause of GWS. Gulf War soldiers were the first to be systematically vaccinated against anthrax and plague because Iraq was thought to have biological weapons. France was the only country not to vaccinate its troops, and only French veterans are free of GWS. In January, researchers at King's College Hospital in London reported that exposure to plague and anthrax vaccines was the factor that correlated most strongly with GWS in British veterans. GWS activists claim that some British soldiers received American vaccines.

GWS has also been blamed on exposure to chemicals in Iraq. But Garry found squalene antibodies in six soldiers who were vaccinated but never went to the Gulf.

The Gulf War Veterans Association, based in Versailles, Missouri, suspects that most cases of GWS were caused by experimental vaccines. If so, says the association's Dave vonKleist, this would violate the Nuremberg Convention. "Military personnel are not subjects for experimentation", he says.


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