Indiscriminate marketing of vaccines is questioned in India

Sheri Nakken Sent: Friday, April 02, 1999 11:31 AM

The Lancet Volume 353, Number 9159 3 April 1999


Indiscriminate marketing of vaccines is questioned in India Doctors and paediatricians in India have called for an end to "unscientific and indiscriminate" marketing of vaccines not included in the government-sponsored Expanded Prog-ramme of Immunisation (EPI) by drug companies. While vaccines for chicken pox, typhoid, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and influenza have been approved by the drug controller of India for marketing, none have been included in the EPI, no guidelines have been issued for their use, and all are unaffordable for poor people.

Manufacturers are promoting these vaccines through schools, local residents association, and some medical practitioners by distributing alarmist literature about hepatitis B virus infections and infections such as typhus.

"They are going to schools and making a killing" , says Thekkekara John Jacob, chairman of the Immunisation Committee of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP). Desh Bhushan Jain, secretary of the Delhi Medical Association says several thousand children in Delhi have been immunised against hepatitis B without any scientific guidelines being followed.

"Drug companies are hiring incompetent ayurvedic doctors to immunise, and are even offering monetary benefits to schools. Proper dosage is not being followed at all." The IAP says unguided and unscientific mass immunisation could interfere with epidemiology of some of the diseases.

An IAP panel has recommended the inclusion of hepatitis-B vaccine in the EPI: "we understand the financial implications of such a decision, but innovative ways could be worked out to overcome this problem" , says Anand Prakash Dube convener of the panel. The IAP has also suggested reintroducing a cheaper vaccine against typhus which the government has rejected for a costly imported version.

Dinesh C Sharma
Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Director email -
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