"A farmer's duty is protecting the earth, maintaining its fertility, and maintaining the fertility of seed. Farmers have such pride in saying, 'This is the tenth generation seeds that I'm planting' ."
"When we plant a seed there's a very simple prayer that every peasant in India says: 'Let the seed be exhaustlesslet it bring forth seed next year.' But that prayer seems to be changing into the prayer, 'Let this seed get terminated so that I can make profits every year,' which is the prayer that Monsanto is speaking through the terminator technology."
(1) the potential risk that seed sterilization may spread to surrounding crops through pollen;
(2) the possibility that sterilized seeds might be sold or exchanged for planting;
(3) the importance of farm-saved seed, particularly to resource-poor farmers;
(4) potential negative impacts on genetic diversity, and
(5) the importance of farmer selection and breeding for sustainable agriculture.