LIST OF ENDORSERS -7th AIC on Conflict Resolution


Association for Humanistic Psychology (USA)
Association for Transpersonal Psychology (USA)
Beyond Borders (USA)
Carl Rogers Institute for Peace (USA)
Center for Psychology and Social Change (USA)
Conflict Resolution Network of Australia (Australia)
Coventry University Centre for the Study of Forgiveness and Reconciliation (England)
Earth Circle Sanctuary (USA)
Esalen Institute Russian/American Center (USA)
Foundation for Community Encouragement (USA)
German Association for Humanistic Psychology (Germany)
German Institute of Humanistic Psychology (Germany)
Global Intuition Network (USA)
Global Thinking Project (USA)
Global Process Work Institute (USA)
Heart With Wings (USA)
Institute for Global Education (USA)
Institute of Noetic Sciences (USA)
Institute for Transpersonal Psychology (USA)
International Center for Nonviolent Communication (USA)
International Conflict Resolution Center of Australia (Australia)
International Network for the Dances of Universal Peace (England)
Islamic Association for Humanistic Psychology (Iran)
Japanese Association for Humanistic Psychology (Japan)
Lithuanian Association for Humanistic Psychology (Lithuania)
Lithuanian Group Psychotherapy Association (Lithuania)
Maagalim Institute of Psychology and Counseling (Israel)
Moscow State University (Russia)
Moscow Association for Humanistic Psychology (Russia)
New Age Journal (USA)
Northern Mexico Humanistic Psychology Association (Mexico)
Ontic Existential Maieutics Association Italy (Italy)
Organizational Development Institute (USA)
Person Centered Expressive Therapy Institute (USA)
Psychologists for Social Responsibility (USA)
Physicians for Social Responsibility (USA)
Psychosomatic Ontosophy Association of Italy (Italy)
Rural Southern Voice for Peace (USA)
Russian Association of Telephonic Emergency Services (Russia)
Russian Independent Psychiatric Association (Russia)
Saybrook Institute (USA)
St. Petersburg Association for Humanistic Psychology (Russia)
St. Petersburg State University (Russia)
Transnational Perspectives (Switzerland)
Union Institute (USA)
United Nations Non-Gov. Organization for the University of Peace (USA)
Vilnius University (Lithuania)
Wonkwang University of South Korea (South Korea)

Office of the President of the United States
Office of the President of Russia
Office of the Governor of St. Petersburg
Grand Traverse Band of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians

* Graduate course credit is available through Saybrook Institute


COMMON BOND INSTITUTE (CBI) is a US based organization that grew out of the Association for Humanistic Psychology's Soviet-American (International) Professional Exchange. First established in 1990, CBI operates and supports concrete projects and actively provides networking and coordination support to assist newly developing human service organizations in developing countries and the post-communist world. It organizes and sponsors professional training programs, conferences, and exchanges internationally. It also provides assistance in the form of generating donations of professional materials, equipment, and supplies for these essential human services.

In 1992 it established and co-sponsors the Annual International Conference on Conflict Resolution (ICR) in cooperation with HARMONY Institute of Psychotherapy and Counseling of St. Petersburg, Russia, occurring each May in St. Petersburg and open to all participants globally. These multi- disciplinary, practical conferences have been supported by President Clinton, President Yeltsin, St. Petersburg Governor Yakovlev, and endorsed by over 50 universities and organizations internationally, and bring together hundreds of presenters and participants from around the world for hands-on skills training in conflict resolution and transformation.

In 1998 it established the International Training Project in Conflict Resolution as an extension of the Annual International Conference on Conflict Resolution. In addition to it's ongoing purposes, the annual May ICR Conference serves as a major networking and recruiting source for training programs in this project. Training is geared toward any individuals interested in developing and practicing personal and professional skills in conflict resolution, and to representatives of local groups currently involved in mediation and resolution efforts within various regional, social, or ethnic conflicts in the world. The intent is to also conduct joint cross-cultural trainings with teams of participants from different regions of conflict, and in some cases to involve participants representing two or more opposing sides in existing conflicts.

Current projects under development in cooperation with HARMONY Institute include:

- A global internet link, including a virtual resource library of programs & curriculums from the annual conferences, a virtual journal of collected papers from the conferences and trainings, and an e-mail conference to maintain contact between participants and provide networking, support, and follow-through between events.

- A hard copy journal and resource library.

- Establishing a support network of organizations and projects that have grown out of the ICR Conference.

- Assisting the establishment and development of locally based professional schools and practical training programs in human services to assist in forming core mentor groups in region of the Former Soviet Union and other countries.

CBI is grounded in the application of humanistic psychology's principles in helping to create a world culture of peace. It works to actively network and form strategic alliances with organizations and individuals committed to providing the individual in society with practical skills and visions for transforming conflict in their day to day lives, the recovery of developing societies and post-communist societies, and in nurturing global relationships as a whole at the grass-roots level.

Steve Olweean, Director and Conference Coordinator;
Sandra Friedman, Conference Coordinator
12170 S. Pine Ayr Drive,
Climax, MI 49034 USA
Phone/Fax: 616-665-9393
Web Site:

"HARMONY" INSTITUTE FOR PSYCHOTHERAPY AND COUNSELING is a pioneering, humanistically oriented psychological treatment, training, and research center in St. Petersburg, Russia. Formed in July, 1988, it was one of the first free, non-governmental human service organizations in the old Soviet Union. It is highly respected throughout the Former Soviet Union for its innovative role in the new Russian psychology and is currently one of the primary coordinating and training center for hotline and emergency services, as well as practical training for psychotherapists and educators, in Russia.

In 1995 it established the internationally endorsed International School for Psychotherapy, Counseling, and Group Leadership and became the 1st international member of the US based Consortium of Diversified Psychology Programs. Of the 100+ phone crisis line and drop-in centers currently operating in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), HARMONY has directly trained staff and assisted in establishing more than half.

It's staff of 40 professionals provide comprehensive psychotherapeutic services, as well as free hotline & emergency crisis intervention services, to all age groups in St. Petersburg. In addition to providing ongoing professional training workshops of their own spanning the entire Former Soviet Union, it has been responsible for sponsoring more than 200 workshops and trainings over the past 9 years by professionals from the US, Canada, Israel, and Western Europe.

HARMONY is a primary founder and sponsor of the St. Petersburg Association for Humanistic Psychology, and the Russian Association of Telephonic Emergency Services. It assisted in establishing and sponsoring the AA movement in St. Petersburg, and actively collaborates with the Russian Children's Fund on projects. In partnership with Common Bond Institute, HARMONY jointly established and co-sponsors the Annual International Conference on Conflict Resolution and the International Professional Training Project in Conflict Resolution.

Current projects under development in cooperation with Common Bond Institute include:

- A global internet link, including a virtual resource library of programs & curriculums from the annual conferences, a virtual journal of collected papers from the conferences and trainings, and an e-mail conference to maintain contact between participants and provide networking, support, and follow-through between events.

- A hard copy journal and resource library.

- Establishing a support network of organizations and projects that have grown out of the ICR Conference.

For information on HARMONY Institute "only", contact:
Alexander Badkhen, Dir. of International Programs,
Mark Pevzner, Board Chairman
av. Gastello, 9 St. Petersburg, 196066 Russia
Tel: 7-812-293-1330 Fax:293-1330



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