blackbird singing in the dead of

Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 01:00:10 +0000
From: dan winter

quoting nostradamus/bridges piece near bottom here: "...identifies the place of the next conflict, perhaps indicating the start of WWIII, as Kosovo, where, on the Field of Blackbirds, the Turks slaughtered a Serbian army in 1389" to the serbs the kosovo fields are ancient place for fighting to the death for serbia... they will not yield: so war passion spills global:

the reason it was called field of blackbirds was like american indians eating crow meant worst fate, on that field so long ago the blackbirds ate the thousands of serbs slaughtered.. this legend in their country is the ULTIMATE battle cry..

when the underground water disappeared under vukovar yugoslavia when bombed.. labyrinths mapped to ground water recreated long wave magnetics (and ground water) whose loss of symmetry alone (as death of "body polis") is an ACCURATE PREDICTOR of where war will break out (ref: phil callahan"EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD REGIONS OF WEAKNESS CORRELATED TO SITES OF POLITICAL UNREST & WAR"

so the women gathered to install magnetic womb labyrinths ..the water and the body polis.. possibility of sharing emotions magnetics across the land... returned.

PEACE HAS NO MORE MEANINGFUL DEFINITION THAN A charge envelope sustained by the symmetry of embedding (the true templar destiny of america, a mere i go.. to mater matrix embed eye go.. when the liberty bell rings again, the grail cup rings out in the dna.. which finds map on land...)

spiritual destiny of america see in couple days

clairvoyant friend here said below was real, but deflection would happen?

dan winter

World War III - Please read immediately! David Gould



The following information came in late last night, and I believe it important enough to pass on immediately. The wise man will prepare, and leave the skepticism to others. You may think of this as a test, as

to how much money really means to you, as opposed to your family.

Personally, I have already made this judgment, but if I still lived anywhere near any of the locations listed herein, I would be moving my family, regardless of cost, ridicule or opposition, to another location, today.

I will do a follow-up post, today, if time permits, titled: Nuclear Knife aimed at US. You will find it interesting, I think. God Bless, David

Date: Monday, April 12, 1999 6:37 PM
Subject: Very Important Message from Fritz Springmeier
News Release from Fritz Springmeier


Over two weeks ago, this author was given inside information that the World Order had pulled all their key people---specialists, and so forth out of San Diego, CA. These people were given a secret high level briefing which told them to leave San Diego by April 3rd, and that the reason they were to leave was that Russia was going to drop nuclear bombs on San Diego, Seattle, NYC, coastal cities on the eastern seaboard where U.S. naval forces (such as subs) are kept, and Biloxi, Miss. These important people were then moved to Colorado, Idaho, Montana, and Utah where they could be secure underground.

Two of these people had lived through Vietnam, and no longer trusted their government to care about the people, and it is through these two that this information leaked to this author.

This information is important, but what is even more alarming is that many other things support this information & lead to only one conclusion, a nuclear war has been planned against the United States by Russia, & the American public is being blindly led into this war. People who are aware of Dmitri Dutiman s prophecies may not be surprised by this state of affairs, but none the less are placed into the same position everyone else is in.

That position is to ask, "Will this really take place?, "What can we do to prevent this? & "What can we do to prepare to survive such an attack?" and finally, "What will be the warning signs that bombs are about to drop?" This news release will try to answer these questions.

Bad weather over Yugoslavia has apparently set back the script a few days. NATO says that they are two days behind because of bad weather. Apparently, the entire script must be played scene by scene, and the bad weather gave us a little more time. I also hope that by blowing the whistle on this devious plot over radio to 1 million listeners might make the plotters think twice about their play which has chillingly gone through act 1, act 2, act 3, and act 4 all according to the script. There are many interesting things about this Kosovo crisis that the news media is mostly ignoring, What will follow is some of the collaborating evidence and related affairs which the reader may not be aware of, Yugoslavia is like Russia s little brother. Since NATOs attacks on Yugoslavia, Russian television has repeatedly referred to Russia's close relationship to Yugoslavia. Russia has a treaty to protect Yugoslavia if it is attacked. What big brother would not defend his little brother?

So why has not Russia honored their commitment to Yugoslavia? Perhaps they are moving to do just that. More on this in a moment. NATO and Yugoslavia are locked into this crisis which continues to escalate. NATO continues to weaken itself as it uses up its limited supply of cruise missiles and ammunition. The United States has been sending its reserves of food and medical supplies to the Balkans. The United States is greatly overextended. In order to fight in the Balkans, air force units patrolling northern Iraq had to be shifted to the Balkans theater. The aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf went to the Adriatic and the only American aircraft carrier in the Pacific is now in the Persian Gulf. The fighting in the Balkans has no strategic importance in relationship to a conflict between Russia and the U.S. In other words, we are preoccupied with a costly war which if we get into a war with Russia has no strategic value.

According to eyewitnesses who have sat in on high level meetings, the Kosovo crisis is following a script. There are numerous clues that this is true, in fact, many items of the pre-written script are being played out before our eyes. On the Bill Brumbaugh radio show, this author warned that the next step in the script was for Russia to increase tensions and "rattle her sabres". This stage just began today, as the Russian government demanded that the United States and NATO stop the bombing in a few days or else they would take action. At the same time, Russia has announced they will try to form a group of world leaders to work on diffusing the crisis. For those who are still skeptical, lets postulate for the sake of discussion that Russia wanted to nuke the U.S. If so, then how would events be scripted? The Russians would not want to announce their intentions so they will wear a smiling mask that hides their true intentions.

Instead of being bellicose like Kruschev, they will put on a calm nice front, so as not to alarm their prey. Further, there would have to be some kind of pretext that would justify to the Russian people that America was aggressively a threat to them, and that their honor, patriotism and morality called for a strong reaction. NATO has been portrayed in the Russian media as having broken several international laws to interfere in the internal affairs of the nation of Yugoslavia. The U.S. has supposedly according to their news already launched an ICBM from a submarine that hit Yugoslavia. The United States also placed sanctions on 3 Russian companies Tula Design Bureau, Volsk Mechanical Plant, and the Central Research Institute for Precision Machine Building on April 4, 1999. At a time that American-Russian relationships are fragile, our government is busy humiliating and agitating the Russians. It does not make much sense. Why are we ignoring the Russians and humiliating the Russian government in front of the Russian people? Like I reported, we are following a script in which our traitorous leaders like Bill Clinton are involved in order to bring in the New World Order. This script will soon usher in W.W. III.

Unfortunately, much of what is happening is not being reported, so most people can not put together the pieces that would expose how the crisis has been created at the behest of the World Order in order to implement their NWO agenda.

The subject of Russia and its reaction to the NATO attacks on Yugoslavia has received very little attention on the establishment media. When the subject is raised, the answer is that Russia is an economic basketcase and they can't do anything. First, the bear still has claws. For years, Russia has been stockpiling the food that U.S. and Europe has sent them. Russia has secretly been enhancing their military. Their people are poor and suffering only because they have continued over the last few years to stockpile large quantities of food and weapons. They have followed both Sun Tsu and Lenin's doctrine of feigning weakness. One NSA agent told this author in a half-cocky fashion, simply, "If you want to understand what is happening today, read Sun Tsu." On the surface that does not seem to say much, but if one understands that Sun Tsu advocated feigning weakness to surprise one s enemy, it says a lot.

In 1992, this author attended a conference at Lewis & Clark College which was opened to the public entitled "The New World Order". The speakers were several Russian professors from Moscow, such as the University of Moscow. I got a chance to ask questions. They said that Russia was in the same transition that the Weimar Republic was ~ when it became a Nazi regime. They also admitted that they had seen that food was being stockpiled and not getting to the people. They said that they had seen no tangible help from Europe and the U.S. reach Russia, and yet our media made it sound like we were feeding the hungry Russian people. After starving for years, just like the Germans during their trial period with democracy after W.W. I, the Russians don t care if they go to war, or if they are led by a dictator.

They just want to be taken care of and feel the same pride they had in their country when the world feared and respected them.

Several books could be written about the details in this news release, including several books about how the United States is practically defenseless. Americans keep bearing the mantra "We are the world's only superpower." And every time it is said, godly people should remember the truth, "Pride goes before the fall."

America s early warning system, our radar network that told us when enemy bombers were 2,000 miles away, was shut down by President Bush. So now we have our eyes closed. If that were not enough to be defeated, Clinton made an executive order which forbids the military from reacting to a Russian first strike. Our generals and admirals must wait until the first strike hits, before they can respond. This is like going into the boxing ring and saying "Give me your best hit". Well, the Russians are ready to give us their best hit, and it will be a knock out punch. It used to be that we would launch our missiles when we detected theirs being launched and the missiles would cross mid-air and blow up both countries. Now we are to absorb their first strike. That is why their first strike is targeted to knock out our naval bases and submarines. They have produced enormous numbers of killer submarines which greatly outnumber our submarines and these will attack to eliminate any submarines at sea. Except for our mobile subs, the U.S. no longer has mobile missiles, but only a reduced number in fixed locations.

We are building a new defensive system that has not been brought on line. Now is ideal for them to strike, The downsizing and budget cuts have greatly weakened our military. Plus our leaders have done everything possible behind the scenes to weaken us, claiming that this was the peace dividend from the fail of communism, and necessary to balance their budget.

Obviously a few of our missiles will get past their excellent Anti-ballistic Missile Defense system (by the way, we have no ABM system). This means that the Russians will receive a few casualties, but these will be minor compared to the damage that we receive. There are many reasons why the Russians need to strike soon, or lose their capability. Their own nuclear weapons are corroding and decaying. They also face a worse Y2K problem than we do with their military computers. Their military leaders are now publicly urging that the Russians do something with their military to stop the bombing of Yugoslavia.

The groundwork has been laid for the Russian people to believe that they have the moral high ground in launching a nuclear first strike. We are seen as the aggressors who created this Yugoslavian crisis. The Russian people have seen women and children killed by our bombs. The Russian government warned the United States that it would take it very seriously if any harm came to the many Russians in Yugoslavia. The Russian embassy was very close to one of the sites which was just recently destroyed by NATO bombs. The Russian military now has a complete advantage over the United States, and in their eyes every reason to strike us. Will they? Many clues and inside reports from all over confirm that this is exactly where we are headed. In fact, we only have days from now. By the time this report reaches you, we will be very short on time.

I apologize that this warning is so late. On the other hand, there have been many visions received recently by devout Christians warning of what this news report states. Even the reported prophecies by the Virgin Mary in Yugoslavia years ago, said W.W. III would break out this way. (I don t believe that "she" was honestly the Virgin Mary, but that the enemy manufactured those reports so that people would later recall them and say that this W.W. III was God's will and that we could not do anything about it. The truth is, it is a World Order script that has been well orchestrated behind the scenes.) One of the important areas to watch to see if war is to break out is North Korea which will join Russia. North Korea recently had 7 spy ships chased away from Japan by the Japanese navy. It was reported that the Japanese navy fired hostile shots for the first time since W.W. II. These are the kind of incidents that one will see before a major operation. Before any offensive, probes will be made to learn day to day intelligence. An increase in probing and spying is an alarm. North Korea has been very volatile, and the situation looks like it is ready for a new war.

When war breaks out, the script is that China will jump in on Russia's side and seize Taiwan, now that we have no fleet to protect Taiwan. It is not difficult to imagine that Clinton and the NWO probably have planned it this way, when one remembers that Clinton is facing a scandal for having given the Chinese high tech for their military, and that they were spying during his administration on our best secrets. He also gave them the port facilities at Long Beach, CA.

Mexico has been denouncing NATO s attacks. Isn't that strange? Mexico, who seems to be so close to America, is politically siding with Russia and Yugoslavia on this one. Eyewitnesses report how Mexico has been used to warehouse Russian heavy equipment for their next war against us. Teams of Mexicans have been highly trained by the Soviets (similar to our Delta teams) and are to be used during Russia's takeover of the U.S. Mexican gangs and highly trained Mexican military teams are to be used for the house-to-house searches. Some have already received the addresses of the houses they are to receive (occupy) when certain American homeowners are evicted from their homes.

Cuba will also be used as a base of operations against us. Further, millions of the recent immigrants into the United States have come here from Russia, China, Eastern Europe and Vietnam, and are programmed to cooperate with the destruction of America.

The extent of the crisis looming over the horizon, is worsened by the fact that our government is loyal to the New World Order and can not be trusted any more than the Chinese, Yugoslavians, or Russians. Many American mind-controlled slaves who work for the World Order are not being taken out of harms way. They are somewhat expendable in order to preserve the secrecy of this whole devious traitorous operation, They are being programmed with information to make them more survivable than the common ostrich-with-his-head-in- the-sand American. One of the items that is being programmed into these mind-controlled slaves is to not trust the American government after the nuclear attack. The American government will be sending people to concentration camps, and rounding up people they consider a threat for execution. These slaves are being programmed with instructions to help them sidestep and survive the tyranny of the American government after the war starts.

We still have another final act before the bombs hit. Russia's military will increase their sabre rattling and increase the tension. This is only a cover so that they can get their military in position. People are going to think that the Russian military is responding to Yugoslavian crisis, while in reality they are moving into position for W.W. III.

After a short increase in tension, a false political breakthrough will occur, similar to the Japanese peace negotiations just before Pearl Harbor. The U.S. will relax at this political breakthrough and then the attack will hit.

Our time is very short, Prepare a shelter, get Potassium Iodide. Take Calcium, Potassium, Zinc, and Vitamin B-12. Have some foods like chocolate bars as morale boosters. We will be underground for several weeks.

Do I believe the above information? I think it highly likely to be on point. What is being done in Serbia makes no sense! It is against International Law, and those in Washington, DC, know this. They are not stupid! So if you are inclined that way, you might pass this on to your “political” “representatives” and remind them that they, too, live on bulls-eyes!

I would prefer to err on the side of caution, and have my family safe, than wait and see if these immoral men are really as immoral as we know them to be. When you factor in America's lack of moral courage (38 million dead babies), then you know that judgement will come; it is only a question of when. Is it now? Do you really want to live in a city with no source of food and wait to find out?

The following is from the best source for news of the actions in Serbia that I know of. What is said above is true; we are bombing hospitals, schools, apartment buildings, an international train and other civilian targets. Judge for yourself how much sense this makes, except as deliberate provocation. For those of you who have not read Part I of my series on citizenship, it would be a good time to do so! And Part II on the Constitution. Having this information will make what is happening much clearer!

From TiM (Truth in Media) This site carries daily updates on the Serbian crisis:

4. Marching Toward WW III? (By a former NATO planner) OHIO, Apr. 12 - Walt Davis "is especially knowledgeable and credible about NATO and the related European military planning," wrote a TiM reader, Mr. Davis' friend, in his introductory letter to us today. That's because he had spent six years in the "war planning business," as Mr. Davis puts it himself, four of them with NATO. Here's what he had to say about the current situation, ominously echoing some of our earlier warnings - that Clinton's continued wanton war on Serbia to "save face" (of the NWO and NATO) may explode into a WW III:

"I'm glad someone is as scared about this as I am. I have been very active in contacting congressmen and media people - e.g. Chris Matthews, Bill Safire, Charles Krauthammer.

As you know, I spent 6 years in the war plans business - four of them in NATO. We constantly monitored the Soviet communications, both public and government/military. For 50 years, the Soviets told the Russian people and their Warsaw Pact "partner" countries that NATO was an aggressor force to be feared. Now, with us occupying Bosnia for God knows how long, and us now bombing the hell out of Yugoslavia, we have proved them right. We should not have done this. The short term view is that it is totally wrong to have attacked a sovereign country.

But, I am really worried about the long term view. We have scared the hell out of our former Cold War enemies, and we are driving them together. We may even push China toward an anti-NATO posture, aligned with the former Soviet countries.

We will see nuclear stockpiles grow rapidly now. Russia and China will probably arm more countries like Iran, North Korea, etc., and sooner or later, all hell will break loose.

A big problem we always had in the NATO planning circles was keeping the allies together, especially Greece, and often the Turks. Obviously, France turned away from NATO some years before. Now, NATO is more divided than ever. Italy is very scared about this situation.

In trying to create a legacy, and divert the media from the China spy treason, Clinton has: 1. Splintered NATO, 2. Consolidated our once fragmented enemies, 3. Broken international law and the NATO Charter by attacking a sovereign country; and, 4. Started the slide toward WW III.

If the bombing stopped today, our kids and grandkids (if not we) will suffer under the nuclear spectre. The damage is done.

We should immediately sit down with the Russians, and broker a cease fire with them involved. We can only blunt the damage that has been done in the strategic sense by solving this war WITH the Ruskies playing a role, with a stake in the solution. God knows, they are willing."

Walt Davis, Ohio

TiM Ed.: Following our subsequent contact with Mr. Davis to verify the authenticity of the above comment, and to get his permission to run it, this former NATO war planner also added:

"We cannot live with this outrage just because a lot of bleeding hearts see only the refugees, and condone this attack on Yugoslavia. If someone could portray the long term, critically dangerous consequences of what we've done, the popularity of this attack would disappear.

I am in touch with some military people now in the Middle East. They know this is wrong, and they are very demoralized by what our leaders have done. I know one top soldier who is resigning as soon as he gets home. Too bad for us."

I urge you to pass this post on to others, as they may need to understand what is going on. We all have a moral obligation to help understanding and knowledge spread across America. "But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood." Ezekiel 33:6 (NIV) p

The cost of liberty is eternal vigilance p

I am now selling copies of the book “Strategic Withdrawal; the Peaceful Solutions Manual.” If you would like a copy of the paper “Strategic Withdrawal in a Nutshell,” please E-mail me and request it at In addition, various people around the country are arranging Seminars for the author of this book. If you are interested in seeing a schedule of upcoming events, please let me know and I will supply the information. p

Is information in this post for real? I assure you it is. If you do not understand, I suggest you begin reading the papers that I have prepared for people just like you (no cost; no obligation). There are currently 18 papers in all and they cover health, cancer, nutrition, the Constitution, citizenship, law, case law, nature, and many other subjects. Currently, there are at least 5 doctors, 2 lawyers, 1 judge (that I know of), 3 college/university professors and many others reading the information. They read because they are learning; maybe you should as well. Your first paper will be about United States citizenship, and what case law says about it. Case law from the Supreme Court, for instance. The second paper is on the Constitution. p

To understand the world around you it is necessary to understand Scripture, and one piece of information from Scripture is particularly telling; “the LOVE of money is the root of ALL evil.” Not some evil; not most evil; ALL evil. Private courts the IRS uses are simply another way to prey on the uninformed; please, do not stay uninformed. Learn what is really going on in America. Learn why the United States government (a corporation in bankruptcy ) allows abuse of people like the fraudulent IRS. I will be sending other Posts I consider important; please pass them on to those you consider in need of information. Please watch for them. David p

If you are interested, please E-mail and let's get started! And for those of you who have been reading and stopped for some reason, any reason, please continue. Believe me, the real information begins after Part X! There will be a total of 20 parts, and those who are finishing are learning much more, and this learning is changing how they look at the world around them, in some ways, drastically. God Bless, David p

WWIII; follow-up
David Gould



I know the skepticism that these messages will create, and I agree. To a point. As I have said before, I have made some of my life decisions based on my knowing that these events would occur at some time; is this the time? I do not know, and I pray daily that, come the year 2000, we can all look back on this and smile, with relief, and renewed hope for our people and our country.

That being said, I just received a message from a man, a friend, who spoke with a family friend yesterday about the events in Serbia, and as he relates to me: “This is very hard for me to understand where some people are at. I just talked to a friend of mine. She thinks congress is too slow and that it doesn't matter if the president doesn't have the power to declare war. " We had to do something. We just couldn't stand by and watch this occur."

With this type of mentality, with this lack of understanding, with this lack of knowledge so rampant in America, is World War III possible? At this time? Ask yourself how cattle are lead to slaughter, and judge the following carefully.

by Joel M. Skousen ( March 25, 1999

Comment: I just received this. It appears to be news of importance and may have an influence on our nation and your way of living. Read it and make your decision. Forwarded by

Clinton goals appear to be to get us into a major war and render our own country defenseless. Can you spell TRAITOR?

In November 1997, President Clinton signed a top-secret Presidential Decision Directive (PDD-60) directing U.S. military commanders to abandon the time-honored nuclear deterrence of "launch on warning."

Ironically, this was done in the name of "increased deterrence." Every sensible American needs to understand why this reasoning is fraudulent at best and deadly at worst. First, some background.

The impetus to change U.S. strategic nuclear doctrine came on the heels of Clinton's demand to the Joint Chiefs of Staff in early 1997 that they prepare to unilaterally reduce America's nuclear warhead deployment to 2,500 in eager anticipation of the ratification of the START II disarmament treaty. This pact has yet to be ratified by the Russian Duma.

Gen. John Shalikashvili, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, responded that he couldn't comply, since the U.S. military was still operating on a former Presidential Decision Directive of 1981 to prepare to "win a protracted nuclear war." A winning strategy couldn't be implemented without the full contingent of current nuclear strategic warheads.

According to Craig Cerniello of Arms Control Today (November/December 1997 issue), "the administration viewed the 1981 guidelines as an anachronism of the Cold War. The notion that the United States still had to be prepared to fight and win a protracted nuclear war today seemed out of touch with reality, given the fact that it has been six years since the collapse of the Soviet Union."

Certainly, the apparent collapse of the Soviet Union is the linchpin in every argument pointing toward the relaxation of Western vigilance and accelerated disarmament. Indeed, it is the driving argument that is trumpeted constantly before Congress, U.S. military leaders, and the American people.

Almost everyone is buying it -- even most conservatives who should know better. However, the most savvy Soviet-watchers can point to a host of evidence indicating that the so-called "collapse" was engineered to disarm the West and garner billions in direct aid to assist Russia while inducing the West to take over the economic burden of the former satellite states.

But the most ominous evidence is found in defectors from Russia who tell the same story: Russia is cheating on all aspects of disarmament, and is siphoning off billions in Western aid money to modernize and deploy top-of- the-line new weapons systems aimed at taking down the U.S. military in one huge, decapitating nuclear strike.

Contrast this with the Clinton administration's response. Incredibly, while still paying lip service to nuclear deterrence, Assistant Secretary of Defense Edward L. Warner III went before the Congress on March 31, 1998, and bragged about the litany of unilateral disarmament this administration has forced upon the U.S. military: Warner noted the "success" the Clinton administration has had in recent years, which has:

Eliminated our entire inventory of ground-launched non-strategic nuclear weapons (nuclear artillery and Lance surface-to-surface missiles).

Removed all nonstrategic nuclear weapons on a day-to-day basis from surface ships, attack submarines, and land-based naval aircraft bases.

Removed our strategic bombers from alert.

Stood down the Minuteman II ICBMs scheduled for deactivation under Start I.

Terminated the mobile Peacekeeper and mobile small ICBM programs.

Terminated the SCRAM-II nuclear short-range attack missile.

In January 1992, the second Presidential Nuclear Initiative took further steps which included:

Limiting B-2 production to 20 bombers.

Canceling the entire small ICBM program.

Ceasing production of W-88 Trident SLBM (submarine-launched missile) warheads.

Halting purchases of advanced cruise missiles.

Stopping new production of Peacekeeper missiles (our biggest MIRV- warhead ICBM).

As a result of these significant changes, the U.S. nuclear stockpile has decreased by more than 50 percent," Warner enthused. All of this has been done without any meaningful disarmament by the Russians.

The Clinton administration would counter this charge by citing the "successful" dismantling of 3,300 strategic nuclear warheads by Ukraine,

Kazakhstan, and Belarus, and the destruction of their 252 ICBMs and related silos -- all paid for with U.S. taxpayer funds to the tune of $300 million per year. But the real story is otherwise.

Yes, Americans paid for the dismantling of these systems -- the oldest and most out-of-date in the Soviet inventory. They were scheduled for replacement anyway, so the U.S. taxpayer ended up saving the Russians over a billion dollars, allowing them to use this and other Western aid to develop and build new systems, coming on line right now. But that isn't all.

What the administration doesn't say is that they allowed the Russians to reclaim all the nuclear warheads, and paid them to recycle the usable material into new, updated warheads. We didn't diminish the threat at all. We only helped them to transform it into something more dangerous.

Thus, the Russians still maintain a more than 3-to-1 advantage over the United States in both throw-weight and nuclear delivery vehicles. That disparity is widening dramatically with the Clinton administration's unilateral disarmament while at the same time encouraging the Russians to proceed not only with the deployment of 500 new Topol-M missiles (which are mobile-launched and therefore difficult to target), but to put three MIRVed warheads on each missile instead of the treaty limit of one warhead -- for a total deployment of 1,500 warheads.

Not counting the presumed minimum 4,000 to 6,000 warheads in the current Russian inventory, these 1,500 new warheads would overwhelm a measly 200-interceptor ABM system in North Dakota -- which the Clinton administration is insisting should NOT be deployed before 2005. I wonder why?

With our 50 Peacekeeper ICBMs scheduled to be decommissioned in 2003, that gives the Russians or Chinese a wide-open window for attack, should they choose to exercise their first-strike, nuclear-decapitation option.

So much for the "new realism" of the Clinton disarmament team and their assertion that Russia poses no threat. Judging strictly by public data from establishment sources (which is always understated due to Moscow's heavy shroud of secrecy) the Russian threat is much greater than it ever was, both in quantity and quality of strategic nuclear forces. This is thanks, in part, to ongoing technology transfers by IBM and other defense contractors with the knowing participation and encouragement of this administration.

Now let's take a close look at this presumed "increased deterrence" the Clinton Department of Defense is promising. The administration claims its brand of deterrence is still based on the "mutual assured destruction" (MAD) concept -- a truly appropriate acronym.

This is the presumption that, since both sides have an overwhelming capability to destroy each other, that no sane leadership would engage in nuclear war. Let's examine this closely. MAD could only stand as a viable assumption if: Both sides had sufficient weapons and delivery vehicles to inflict total devastation.

Neither side had an effective anti-ballistic-missile system.

Neither side had electronic jamming capability on its incoming ICBMs.

Neither side had hardened shelters protecting its population and leadership.

These assumptions clearly do not exist today: First, we barely have enough nuclear warheads to take out the Russian arsenal as presently constituted if we used them all at once (which no sane military commander could afford to do, leaving him with no reserves). Russia, on the other hand, has enough to devastate our entire strategic forces and still retain 60 percent of her weapons in reserve, for a prolonged conflict.

Second, we have no ABM system to protect against ICBMs at all. Our dumbed-down and slowed-down Patriots are theater weapons (built to conform to the flawed ABM Treaty) and can barely catch slow, low-flying Scud missiles, let alone ICBMs that coming screaming in from space at 6 to 12 kilometers per second. The Russians have (in violation of the same ABM Treaty) a nationwide system of ABMs tied to phased-array radars and satellite guidance systems.

Third, we have no electronic jamming on our missiles to help them penetrate the Russian ABM system, and the Russians claim their newest Topol-M missiles do have such a capability. Whether or not this claim is a bluff is immaterial. The fact is, they are building new, high-tech missiles and our technology is 10 years old and stagnant. We are not developing or building anything new. This aspect can only worsen as time goes on.

Fourth, our civilian population is totally unprotected, while a large portion of the Russian cities have public fallout shelter facilities. New bunkers are being constructed for the Russian leadership despite the economic hardships the people suffer. This should tell us something about Russian leadership intentions.

Is this Mutually Assured Destruction? Hardly. It equates to United States Assured Destruction! In every category of deterrence, we are disarming and stagnant, and the Russians are building and deploying. There is, in fact, only one type of deterrence that is capable of somewhat balancing the scales: the nuclear response doctrine of Launch on Warning.

Launch on Warning takes advantage of the fact that long-range ballistic missiles take time to arrive on target -- up to 25 minutes, depending on where the missiles are fired from. If the Russians were to launch a first strike, our satellites would detect and confirm that launch within seconds. In a Launch on Warning doctrine, our missiles (if on alert status) could be launched before the Russian or Chinese missiles hit our silos. There is also time to retarget our missiles so that they are not wasted on Russian silos that are now empty.

Thus, one of the great advantages for a Launch on Warning doctrine is that it allows the nation that launches second to have an advantage over the nation that launches first. The one to launch first wastes a certain number of its missiles on our silos that are now empty. By contrast, our missiles (utilizing real-time targeting data from satellites) strike targets that are still viable.

Now that is deterrence -- a deterrence that we presently do not have due to PDD-60.

Clinton national security aide Robert Bell proudly proclaimed to a group of disarmament advocates, "In this PDD, we direct our military forces to continue to posture themselves in such a way as to not rely on Launch on Warning -- to be able to absorb a nuclear strike and still have enough force surviving to constitute credible deterrence."

This is patently preposterous. Respond with what? We have no mobile missiles to avoid being targeted. We have already unilaterally agreed to keep over half of our ballistic missile submarines in port at any one time, so they can easily be targeted. After all, we don't want our Russian "allies" to feel insecure!

All of our Navy and Air Force strategic forces are incapable of withstanding a nuclear strike. Even the remaining Trident subs on patrol would be unable to respond when communication links and satellites are downed in a first strike.

PDD-60 removes all alternate submarine launch codes so that our subs cannot fire without direct communication with the president. Those vital communications links will assuredly not survive a massive first strike. When you tell the Russians we are going to absorb a first strike, you induce them to make sure they hit us with everything necessary to make sure we cannot respond.

This is not deterrence. This is suicide.

Joel M. Skousen is a political scientist by training and former chairman of the Conservative National Commitee. He is a specialist in security matters and consults nationwide on "Strategic Relocation" -- the title of his latest book. Visit his web site here.

Between movement of Armed Forces in this country and this thing overseas, I'm beginning to wonder if I dug my bunker deep enough, hope all is going well in your camp...take care. BB

NOTE: I checked out the sources on the web for Joel Skousen - and I had posted his list of SAFE CITIES before on "Connect the Dots". His resources for surviving Y2K are excellent - and well as securing your home against many disasters, including nuclear attack. THANKS Bob B. for sending this article today!!!!

I urge you to pass this post on to others, as they may need to understand what is going on. We all have a moral obligation to help understanding and knowledge spread across America. "But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood." Ezekiel 33:6 (NIV) p

The cost of liberty is eternal vigilance p

I am now selling copies of the book “Strategic Withdrawal; the Peaceful Solutions Manual.” If you would like a copy of the paper “Strategic Withdrawal in a Nutshell,” please E-mail me and request it at In addition, various people around the country are arranging Seminars for the author of this book. If you are interested in seeing a schedule of upcoming events, please let me know and I will supply the information. p

Vincent Bridges
more detail at

discussion section: NOSTRADAMUS

On The Verge of World War III:

Watching the Prophecy Emerge - Nostradamus and the Balkan Conflict

Next Balkan War:


After tarrying they will move forward by rowing for Epirus.

The great relief effort will be toward Antioch:

The black curly-haired one will strain hard for the Empire,

Brazen Barb(arossa) will be roasted on a spit.

This is one of those quatrains just on the edge of becoming intelligible as events happen. It has had other close possibilitites through the years, the Barbary pirates, the Battle of Lepanto, even Hitler is suggested. But the attack toward Syria from the Balkans, the black curly haired leader under the double eagle of the Hapsburg, struggling for the Empire, sounds alot like Milosovic and his plans. Roasted on a spit suggests hoisted by a rocket, perhaps.


Because of heat like that of the sun upon the sea,

Around Negroponte the fish will become half cooked:

The inhabitants will come to make the first slice into them.

When (in) Rhodes, and Genoa their (food) will fail.

This could be describing the effect of an asteroid strike in the Aegean, or it could be the effect of an act of nuclear terrorism in Yugoslavia. The first five quatrains of Century II seem to be related and point to the same scenario, that of the aftermath of the last Balkan war. II/1 suggests WWI-like conflict in Turkey; II/2 also focuses on the Islamic holy war; II/3 is quoted above, and relates to the nuclear terrorism; II/4 is a suggestion that Libya will be involved; and II/5 points to a time period between march 1998 and February 2000. II/6 is the famous quatrain on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as if to make the point sharper.


For several nights the earth will shake,

In the spring two great efforts together:

Corinth and Ephesus will swim in two seas,

War set in motion by two valiant in combat.

This is another quatrain in the process of emerging. The earth of this spring has shaken with the bombs of NATO; the two great efforts could be the Balkans and the situation in Iraq. Greece and Turkey would indeed be on opposite sides in the conflict, and Ephesus is the first church mentioned in Revelations, giving the whole thing an apocalyptic twist. The two valiant fighters could be Milosovic and Saddam.


Milk, blood, frogs prepared in Dalmatia,

Conflict given, pest near Balennes

The cry will be great from all of Slavonia,

Then will be born a monster near and inside Ravenna.

This quatrain falls in the midst of others of great significance. II/29 tells of the teacher from the east; II/30 describes the third anti-christ; II/31 relates an ecological disaster; and II/32 is a caution about terrorism in the Balkans. The 1st line points to biological agents being prepared and released in the Balkans or along the Dalmatian coast. The monster born in Ravenna is obscure, but could have significance as events develop.


Between Campania, Siena, Florence, Tuscany,

Six months nine days without a drop of rain:

The foreign tongue in the Dalmatian land,

It will overrun: devastating the whole world.

This quatrain suggest that events in the Balkans could effect the weather, possibly through the green house effect, and thereby devastate the whole world.


A burning torch will be seen in the night sky,

Near the end and the source of the Rhone,

Famine, weapons: the help provided is late.

When Persia turns to invade Macedonia.

This key quatrain is also listed as one of the thirteen quatrains in the so-called apocalyptic sequence. It suggests either an asteroid strike or a rocket attack in conjunction with an Iraqi involvement with the Balkan conflict. The rocket strike seems to be aimed at Provence and the mouth of the Rhone, echoing other quatrains about the destruction of the maritime city, Marseilles.


Mars and Mercury and the silver (Moon) in conjunction.

Towards the south there will be a great drought:

From the bottom of Asia an earthquake will be reported,

Corinth (Greece) and Ephesus (Asia Minor) then in a troubled state.

Another quatrain in the process of revealing itself. The astronomical window is March 1998 to the summer of 2000, and the events are already taking place. Sub-Saharan Africa is fast disappearing in a great drought and plague, last month's severe earthquake in the Himilayas qualifies as the bottom of Asia, and Greece, the Balkans, and Ephesus, Turkey (and that old apocalyptic referrence), are definitely in a troubled state.


The fugitives, fire in the sky on the pikes,

Next conflict will be that of the frolicking ravens,

From earth they cry for aid and heavenly assistance,

When near the walls (borders?) will be the combatants.

Here we have a quatrain that could be taken from this week's newspapers. The fugitives, the fire in the sky on the pikes of Cruise missiles, all describe the events of the past week. The 2nd line identifies the place of the next conflict, perhaps indicating the start of WWIII, as Kosovo, where, on the Field of Blackbirds, the Turks slaughtered a Serbian army in 1389. The Kosovar Albanians are crying to heaven (the NATO air-strikes?) for aid, and the referrence to the borders suggest the latest flash-point of the captured soldiers on the borders of Kososvo and Macedonia. Altogether too close for comfort.


When the crow on the tower put together by bricks,

For seven hours will continue to squawk:

Death presaged, by blood the statue is stained,

Tyrant murdered, and to the gods the people pray.

If the last quatrain could be filled in out of last week's headlines, then this one could be fulfilled in the next few weeks. The battle monument outside Pristina is suggested by the crow on the tower. For seven hours, (days, weeks?) a warning will sound, presaging the death of the Tyrant. The stained statue could relate to despoiling religious sites in the area, while the Tyrant's death could be caused by a missile strike or a commando raid. (See I/74)


After the great afflication of the scepter,

Two enemies will be undone by them:

The fleet from Africa will appear to rise up before the Hungarians,

By sea and land horrible deeds will take place.

This quatrain and the one before it, V/47, suggest an attack by Saddam Husein in conjunction with Libya during a Balkan, Greece/Turkey, dispute.


The regions subject to Balance,

Will trouble the mountains with a great war:

Both sexes made captive, beholden to (their liberators) and all of Byzantium,

So that at dawn they will cry out from land to land.

Another really close one. The region subject to Balance, or adjustment, is the Balkans under scrutiny by NATO, the EU, and so on. The mountains are at the moment troubled by a great war. The people of Kosovo are made captive by the situation, and cry out from land to land, from mosque roof at morning prayers and by internet, around the world.


At the great market (European Community?) called that of the liars,

Of all Torrent and the field of Athens:

They will be surprized by the light horsemen,

By the Albanians -- Mars, Leo and Saturn in their signs.

This quatrain follows V/90, a prediction of Nuclear Terrorism, and suggests the time period of the late 1990's. (Best guess astrology for last line equals 3/23- 27 1999, the start date of the current Kosovo Crisis.) The Balkan powers all see the EU and NATO as liars, and perhaps they are, rushing into the fields of Athens, the battle fields of north eastern Greece, Macedonia and Kosovo. The light horsemen could be the guerillas of the KLA or the Serbian death-squads, with a suggestion of the pale horsemen of Death in the Apocalypse.


When those of the Northern pole are united together,

In the East will be great fear and dread:

The newly elected man is upheld -- the great one trembles,

Rhodes, Byzantium will be stained with Barbarian (Libyan-Arab) blood.

Again this quatrain follows one of significance on another, somewhat parallel track. VI/20 relates the importance of Pope John XXIII in reforming the church by accepting the vessel of the "enduring race." Here we see the basic agreement of the Northern powers, NATO and Russia, causing fear, or perhaps pretend fear, in the East. Clinton and Saddam are contrasted in line 3, and the outcome of the current Kosovo situation suggested in line 4.


At the time when (in) mourning the feline monarch

Will make war upon the young Macedonian:

Gaul to stagger, the bark (of St. Peter) to be in jeopardy,

To try Marseilles in the West entreaty (negotiations).

This quatrain suggests that Clinton, our Leo President, will, in a time of mourning, perhaps for the captured and possibly executed soldiers in Kosovo, make war on the young Macedonian leader of the KLA. This, as we saw above appears to be the trigger incident that brings the wider Islamic world into the picture. Gaul, southern France, will be staggered by terrorism and the Church itself will be threatened, as well the secret indicated by the "bark." Only some kind of entreaty, or negotiations, in Marseilles has any chance to break the deadlock

This information was compiled by Vincent Bridges ©1999


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