Message from John Vasconcellos



I invite, challenge, dare you to grow ever more active with me in developing, as we approach the 21st Century, a new California politics of trust, which will move us altogether toward meeting our primary challenge: realizing the promise of our multicultural democracy, with gender equity, in the global economy, in this age of technology.

While I am eager to provide leadership in this endeavor, the viability of this new politics depends upon you and many other Californians enlisting, mobilizing, saying "No!" to traditional cynical politics instead, living a new politics into reality for California.

Toward that end, check out my Senate website at

Then let me know what you're going to do to enlist friends in a local effort to advance our 21st Century politics there in your own community.

Together, we'll move California, and every Californian, toward realizing our promise toward a healthier state, toward a state of esteem!

I thank you, I wish you well. Let me know whenever I can be of help.

John Vasconcellos
13th Senate District
The Heart of Silicon Valley


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