by Sepp Rothwangl
The big cults and religions of mankind observed as New Years- or calendar cults
About 6000 years ago, because of the gyroscop movement of earth axis, called precession, Thuban was Northern Star on Northern Globe. It lasted about 5500 years until earth axis moved to our Northern Star Phoenice (Alpha Ursae minors, Polaris) now.
6000 years ago Tuban (arab. Dragon) or Alpha Draconis was Northern Star and gave men first orientation in the starry night and was every night all year long at the same position. The early astronomers at this time learned by Thuban to find orientation and that principle of bearing on something. On beginning of many ancient myths therefore we find the dragon. Bearing on sun and moon brought calendars but bearing on sun and moon at the same time brought the knowledge about eclipses and made the early astronomers incredible mighty. Who can amagine that magical effect of a prediction of a solar eclipse for ignorant people. This was the moment, when the Gods of the Northern globe were risen up in the sky (heaven). On Southern globe this was not possible: Southern sky never had a Southern polar star. - No point of orientation - no bearing - no ancient astronomy - no prediction of a solar eclipse - no magical starry priesthood - no megalith culture - no Gods in heaven - Just animism.
Only on Northern globe could rise "high civilization" based on the magic power of astronomical priesthood who got so much authority on the people that big cities and huge megalith monuments like pyramids could be built.
The calendar became important. The counting of year and days.
In ancient time the spring equinox was deciding point of beginning of New Year and so the starry morning sky before sunrise of the New Years Day was watched. 6000 years ago at the age, when Thuban was Northern Star, before the sunrise the Taurus was the morning constellation. The Taurus was the New Years constellation and all years began with Taurus. The age of Taurus. Bull became the first mighty time cult: Minos and Monotaurus in Greek; Apis the heavenly bull of early Egypt in Memphis; Nandhi in India; Baal, the Golden Calf in Mesopotamia that lived on in Mithrean cult and sun temple.
About 4000 years ago earth axis moved into a starless position and simultanious spring equinox constellation moved into Aries: the ram became the new cult with its expression in the Golden Vliess in Greek; the ram- God Amun in Egypt; Moses brought the age of ram to Jews and is often painted with horns of a ram.
At least 2000 years ago the eqinox constellation became Pisces. Again a new age rises: Shiva is born out of a fish in India; the Greek philosophers exclaimed the age of the fish and fish became the first sign of a Jewish sect, who called themselves Christians. ICHTHYS (lat. fish) was the first Pictograph for Jesus, it means: Iesos CHristos THeou HYios Soter. As a short cut it became IHS with the meaning "In Hoc Signo" (in this sign). The "H" (this) is still the zodiacal sign of fish. The star of Bethelehm, announced by the Magis, ancient astronomers presumably from Chaldea marks the changing of the age of Aries to fish. It is the Big Trine in Pisces of 7BC.
Finally the morning equinox constellation at spring now has moved into Aquarius. Before sunrise at spring equinox no star of Pisces in seen anymore. The starry zodiacal hour of Aquarius could begin. In May 2000 will be a comparative alignment like the famous Star of Bethlehem again. And the Big Trine, compared with 7 BC is in a position that it looks like the Star of David, the Magen of David and Salomon, the Star of Wisdom.
Concerning to ICHTHYS (Pisces, fish) the Pictograph of AQUARIUS is making sence in that meaning: All QUalities AR In US. Lets use our capacity!
12 Thesis for a new regulation of calendars in the coming age
CALENdeRsign, January / February 1998, CD - Day 700
Everyday measuring of time is caused by movements of Earth and celestial bodies.
Movement of Earth is put together of three movements, that have decisive influence on calendars:
Rotation of Earth around earth’s axis: It is cause of day and night.
The way of Earth around the Sun: It is cause of year, seasons and months.
The gyroscope movement of earth’s axis, called precision: It is cause of Platonic year and months, the change of ages in religions and cults.
Because of movement of earth's axis from North star Thuban (Draco) since 6000 years to our now North star Phoenice (Alpha Ursae minoris) simultaneous moved the constellations of Bull, Ram and Fish through the morning sky at spring equinox. This constellations heralded since millennia the changing of seasons by the course of Sun and the changing ages because of precision of earth’s axis.
Because of cyclic course of all time periods, as seasons, months, days, and hours also Platonic month (ages) are running cyclic. Since begin of civilization these ages were TAURIUS; ARIES and PISCES (bull, ram and fish). The age of PISCES, ICHTHYS or FISH is ending now.
On its beginning stood founders of great philosophies and religions: Aristotle and Plato in Athens, Zarathustra, Lao tse, Confucius, Buddha and finally Jesus, born under the Star of Bethlehem (alignment of Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces). This is reason, why FISH (ICHTHYS, PISCES) was first sign of Christians (IHS). The counting of years (since Christ’s birth) in the Catholic church was established about 1400 years ago (same time, when Islam rise) and Catholic calendar, the Gregorian calendar, (1582), became politically valid almost worldwide.
After Age of Pisces is coming the age of Aquarius. This age will rise soon. At spring Equinox no star of constellation of Fish is visible any more. Only Aquarius is standing in the dawn of daybreak at beginning of spring. In analogue form to the changing of ages, cults and calendars of the past also in the age of Aquarius will be a new calendar.
Because of precise astronomical date and historical facts the counting of years in the Gregorian calendar is a gross error. The star of Bethlehem could be calculated exactly. This alignment was 7 BC, six years before the birth of Christ in Gregorian calendar. Every date concerning AD and BC is wrong on six years.
The regulation of leap years in the Gregorian calendar lost accordance with average (tropic) length of years. The difference will be soon almost half a day. If the regulation of leap years would be in accordance to average length of year, Easter would have been already seven times on other weekends in recent years.
A lot of applications for reform the Gregorian calendar of many commissions, United Nations, international and economical organizations were rejected because of religious reasons.
Economics and politics need a new calendar to take account the change of paradigm of modern time and future. A new worldwide calendar should be based on democracy, science and nature.
On Julian Day 2 451 670, May 5th ,2000 will be a planetary alignment, that in similar way, ever since civilization was of high importance for calendars: As the race of Kronos and Zeus at begin of Olympiads, the classical calendar of Greek; for Pharaohs in Egypt; at foundation of capital of Persepolis; as the magen David and Salomon and as Star of Bethlehem. This day in year 2000 offers the chance to put the calendar on a new, democratically, logical, natural and scientific base.
This base can be found only by a worldwide, democratically, transparent discussion of all religions, nations and people, to find an agreement until beginning of a new calendar.
Until the agreement on a new worldwide calendar all recent calendar should continue, their origin should be explored and their sense should be checked.
Everybody should be conscious, that division of time, the calendar, is part of everyday life and is concerning everybody. This division is not made by God, but by man.
From January 31st up to year 2000 will be exactly 700 days.
It is in men's hand to find an agreement on a new calendar.
Sepp Rothwangl GesmbH
Kirchengasse 8
A-8661 Wartberg
Austria-Europe Tel/Fax +43 3858 6106
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