Dear Friends:
I received this today and thought to share it with you.
Make of it what you will.
Love, Nora
Here is a gift for you brought on the silver wings of spirit....with
higher intelligence guiding....Included is One Mandala Image and One
Linguistic Description....I am writing this to you personally not through
some sort of bulk emailer....I am seeking to establish contacts.....Please
forward this as instructed towards the end.......
Thank You and Many Blessings!!
Light and Love
A Friend of The Star Ancestors.....
Cosmic Mandala
In it's highest aspect and truest sense this Cosmic Mandala symbolically
represents many things. It represents the crystalline clear wisdom of
Omni~Dimensional Science. I have seen in visions that not only were the
pyramids mathematically aligned and attuned as a sort of cosmic cyclical
calendar, they were also used as transducers and receivers of cosmic
energies. They had different capstones for different purposes. Each side of
the pyramid is symbolic of how the wisdom is formed, through: compassion,
knowledge, understanding, and harmony. The crystalline capstones represent
the correct use of this Wisdom towards infusion of the creative cosmic
energies into our beings. As well as awakening to the inherent nature of our
god/goddess all that is selves.
The saucers and the galaxies represent the origins and stellar ancestry
of the human species. As this awakening continues into the twenty-first
century and as we come to the completion of a grand cycle of both
3-dimensional time and evolution. The human species self representation of
what being means is re-aligned as the galactic-solar-earth-human circuit is
completed. These symbols also represent the birthright we belong to as the
highly advanced bi-pedal hominid species we are.
The human being is a
created model\vessel -this planet earth based species is at the brink of
introduction into the Galactic Federation of Star Systems and Civilized
Worlds. The galaxies and starships represent the fact that the grand
creation we envisage ourselves to be contains an inherent truth. Our
species has the potential to fulfill many roles within the schematic of
creation, not just planet based but also at solar and galactic levels. It
is not co-incidence that appearing in our skies…are the ships transmitting
the wake-up call to completion.
The 12 DNA strands represent the original intended blueprint of the
fully evolved human species. Before creation can take place a schematic
model or blueprint must exist. This is a fact. Within the current 2
stranded DNA that we contain lie dormant access codes which once unlocked
will allow us to embody and use the full potential of our beings. As this
occurs our DNA will be rewoven at a quantum level. These latent DNA strands
exist within the etheric holograms of our beings.
It is curious how in
this image I channeled, the strands form the symbol of a heart. This
universal symbol is self fulfilling and represents the joy of unconditional
love. The other end of the strands formed into a star. This star
represents the 3-dimensional spatial location where all this change is
occurring, as well as our star systems designation: "Solis". The coherence,
vibratory frequencey, and level of resonance of our thoughts, emotions, and
feelings are what will allow us to access and unlock this dormant coding.
The triangles with the little stars represent the integration of the
heart with our mind\body\soul into a woven tapestry of brilliance. The
realization that all levels of time that are above, outside, or
interpenetrative of the 3-dimensional mental\linguistic\conceptual framework
or lens through which our consciousness currently views reality are
non-linear. Non-linear means that the flow of information is accessible and
connected inside every single now moment.
This trinity also represents that
we are intimately interpenetrated by, through and within a matrix or
continuum that is Omni-Dimensional. We are also directly connected through
our semi-visible etheric circuitry with the whole structure, it’s creative
life force and this life force’s inherent intelligence. The yin\yang
symbols represent the balance of masculine and feminine energies within
oneself, into a field of consciousness that is highly charged and self-aware
at the highest levels of integration.
The fuzzy lines around the center represents the semi-permeable
membrane of consciousness in between our current conceptual\mental\
linguistic 3-dimensional constructs of reality, and a more clear
understanding of ourselves. It's semi-permeable nature represents the
awareness that all constructs or frameworks are flexible. They can be
redesigned. This is what is occurring on this 3-dimensional planet at the
completion of this grand cycle of life and time.
The mushrooms represent the human species ancient relationship with
our friends in the plant kingdom and the mycelial network. Throughout this
journey into the center, cultures have been influenced by these non-human
intelligences within the nexus of the Gaiian SuperOrganism we currently
regard as planet earth. These illegal nutrients that allow us to access
dimensional realms beyond what can be perceived with our five senses.
The eyes represent the all knowing all seeing of our ancestors, as
they attempt to communicate with us across the divide. They speak of truths
beyond anything we have currently imagined or feel ourselves to be a part
of. Something grand. The phoenix is rising. The circuitry is being
The Star of David is a two dimensional representation of a
three-dimensional merkabah vehicle. This hyper-spatial dimensional transport
ship has allowed me to travel outside of time and through space. I have
gathered my multi-incarnational soul memories and off-planet aspects so once
and for all these experiences can be integrated into the conscious awareness
of my being. As the self-realized consciousness of this vessel, through my
exercise of free will; I choose within my whole heart to be of as much
service to the divine plan for is possible.
The six-pointed star represents all selves in non-physical form, as
only our aka energy bodies. This is the form all souls incarnated inside
3-dimensional human physiological transport vehicles embody beyond this life
on planet earth. With this self integration and the unlimited
boundarylessness of truth, I hereby strengthen my intentions. ...light speed is
too slow for our propulsion ...needs crank up the juice as high as we all can
handle. ...take us to godspeed ...and beyond!
The Cosmic Mandala represents my faith in the human species in the
hopes that we can overcome the karmic imbalance within our ancestral selves,
make the correct decisions, and fully embody the Supreme Being whose image
is being created within us. As this occurrence is experienced new worlds
will be created. This is the time that was spoken of by the ancients. This
is not a test. This is no joke. This is for real. This is the chance we
have been waiting for! ...the dimensional-vortex only opens up
cyclically ...either we all step through the Star-Gateway and interface or none
of us do!
The hyper-intelligence of the human species OverSoul is
beckoning ...follow me it says ...eye will reveal to you your sincerest hopes
and dreams. Eye remind the still young and curious species: it is your
choice. Dare to have courage and be brave ...can you feel my love for you.
You are my children…eye am your creator….eye existed way before your species
had been conceived. Eye exist within all created and not yet created forms.
Rejoice in the fact that you have been created ...the differences that you
perceive in yourselves speak ...are you listening? You are one! ...the
similarities are being revealed. Do not worry, eye was created as well ...we
all will be. There is no Alpha or Omega. There is no beginning or end. So
there is no need to create one ...all will fall into place. It is time for you
to allow the flow.
Inspire yourselves to greatness! ...remember ...awaken ...end
the slumber ...feel our glow ...we offer assistance to all who ask ...there is
much work which must be undertaken! starts inside each individual
being ...spread these words whatever form one can manage ...eye\we love you
all ...eye\we have high hopes ...eye\we can see what you can not ...listen to your
innermost selves ...that is where the true voice resides, follow this
voice ...the reality outside the dream is attracted to strength ...eye\we
perceive this within your species, it will be so much fun. Your ancestors
from the stars have a message for you ...softly spoken whispers reverberating
into the depths of your cores ...attune, heal, envision, and love ...your
gifts were given freely ...the choice of wise use is rewarded ...when the
messenger is ready the message will come. Do not delay
Numerous countless
worlds will be affected by your choices, your decisions. There is nothing to
fear. Just as you must gather all into your arms, each one of you, we have
you all gathered ...actually cradled in our arms. You are so precious, more
precious than the crystals which power the most highly advanced
civilizations in this galaxy. Your species is cared about more than you can
begin to fathom. You know you must respect your elders. They created
you ...the elders are speaking ...we will be firm with you ...we will not hurt
you ...please human beings stop the repression, hatred, ignorance, fear and
denial ...follow our coaxing ...that is our message are not alone!!!!!!!
This Is All I ask of You
I hope this image and these words strike a deep inner resonance within
If they do, I would like you to do a favor in spirit. In order for this
message to be transmitted it must be replicated.
I ASK YOU, the recipient of this message, to continue to tradition which
began through me.
Please Make 12 copies of this Cosmic Mandala and Linguistic Description.
Gift each copy to an another individual like yourself.
Each copy you give away, symbolically represents a single strand of the
original intended 12-DNA strand schematic model blueprint for your
Bi-Pedal Hominid Prototype Vehicles....
This Copy You Hold Is the 13th copy....this 13th copy in addition to
symbolically representing a single strand of the original 12-DNA
Strand Woven Soul-Matrix, also represents a base foundational
understanding of the planetary-solar-galactic orbit.
This 13th Copy represents and understanding of the 13 month-28 day lunar
orbit, and the higher unseen mechanism of the T'zolkin.
Access Has been granted, Synchronization Entrance is Forseeable
Contact The Intelligence Behind These Transmissions