In the last flashmail you heard about the Eastern constellation at
morning of spring equinox. In the past 2000 year on this arbitrary day
of every year the constellation of PISCES is going further down until it
vanished under the horizon and a new constellation is standing there at
the dawn of the morning at spring equinox: AQUARIUS!
As in the East the constellations due the precession go under the
horizon, so the constellations of the opposite side simultaneously rise
in the Western horizon. 1° in each approx. 72 years, 30° in approx. 2150
More than 2000 years ago there rose VIRGO upon Western horizon at this
significant cardinal point of the year (now March 21st). The ancient
Greek astronomer Erathosthenes described and figured out with Spika
(arista, era, corn-ear, brightest star of VIRGO) the precession of the
spring equinox date through the constellations of the zodiac. Terms like
era (age), aristocracy derive from there (the ancient name of Gamma
VIRGO is Porrima, Goddess of the right birth). In the catholic church
arose from this the vision of the virginal birth and finally the dogma
of the immaculate conception.
Because of precession VIRGO has climbed higher and higher and LEO has
followed and is now standing in Western horizon of dawn at spring
LEO has taken over the place of VIRGO in Western, like AQUARIUS has
replaced PISCES (Greek: ICHTHYS, IHS) in Easter horizon.
Also John the Apocalyptic tells about this in his vision about the end
of time: „A animal arose the sea...his mouth like a lion (Rev. 13,1-2)
..and to him was given a mouth, to speak great words and blasphemy
(Rev.13,6)".- This is a clear link to turning point of time and change
of paradigm.
The era of corn-ear (Greek era) is over and a new will begin!
The unbelievable dogma of the immaculate conception will have to be
substituted, like once king Minos was replaced by Theseus, because he
questioned his divine origin from Zeus (as Taurus, the bull) and Europa.
Superstition will be replaced by actuality and reputation (in German:
Leumund = literally mouth of the lion).
This however, also reflects the Clinton - affair in the stars?
Lewinsky means word for word „lion-in-sky" and Regulus is the brightest
star of LEO in the deep blue night sky.
With the help of Kenneth Starr right now the ruling paradigm of USA has
to bend their knees because of revealed sperm stains on a blue cloth.
The unstained conception seems to change into a stained unconception!
"The solar eclipse on Aug. 11th, 1999 is taking place right in front of
the mouth of LEO (Leumund), on the 222nd day of the year and 144 days
before year 2000. One pregnancy period after the eclipse will be in May
2000 a recoming of the star of Bethlehem with the pearl necklace like
string of planets."