by Steffan M. Bertsch

Bombing through Good Friday and on past Easter, the Godless forces of NATO continue their carnage. Any thinking human must wonder what would make any group of bullies so bloodthirsty as to pick on a tiny country. How can they justify bombing a tiny country into oblivion?

The answer is very simple. NATO is run by the Rothschild/Rockefeller toadies, sometimes referred to under the umbrella of the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council of Foreign Relations, but which I will hereafter refer to as the New World Order (NWO). The NWO controls the media, and controls what everyone will see and hear and think it is the news.

We see the media in full swing at this time, justifying why the lying rapist in the White House is our knight in shining armor, and the tiny Serbian country is Satan incarnate. NATO is in a hopeless situation. It has bombed and bombed, and instead of crushing the will of the Serbs, it has succeeded in fortifying Serbian resolve. NATO blew up a bridge over the Danube in an attempt to destroy Serb hope, and instead has left a blatant marker for the Serbs as loud as the Liberty Bell and as heartfelt as the Alamo. The military is failing to defeat its tiny foe, so, the NWO media has stepped up to the plate to take its hacks at the Truth.

An honest media would tell us how hopeless the situation is in Serbia, but, what do we hear about in America? The NWO media tells us that rogue Serbs are slashing throats in Kosovo, so hundreds of thousands of refugees are fleeing. Of course this is mostly a lie, and, anyone with an IQ of seventeen understands that the bombing of Kosovo is the chief factor for the displacement of its people. If NATO started bombing New York City, there would certainly be thug activity within the rubble of the metropolis that would cause people to leave, but, the main cause would be the NATO bombing of the city. The media is trying to shift the cause upon the Serbs. If you have a seventeen IQ, you see through this deception. Many Americans have fallen so far in awareness that a seventeen IQ is the rung they strive for, so the media's lies are accepted by many.

The media wants us to think about the refugees because then we feel emotional about the situation. This is a trick, a deceptive manipulation. Once man starts thinking with his emotions instead of his mind, all logic is gone. A rapist thinks with his emotions; a rapist is driven by his loins. A murderer thinks with his emotions; a murderer is driven by his passions. Clinton must have had his mind on a different type of blow job when he ordered that the bridge over the Danube be blown up. The media wants us all to think with our emotions so we can more easily be programmed to be rapists and murderers in Kosovo, albeit vicarious rapists and murderers. And, the media is adroit at switching off our minds and turning on our emotions. Watch any news broadcast and you'll see this deft doctrine at work.

The media also wants us to put our emotions out to those three troopers who were captured by the Serbs, wants us to feel for them. We see the troops' families, their homes, their friends, and even yellow ribbons draped about their towns, in fitting "Wag the Dog" shoes-in-the-trees style. The media wants the public to cry for the troops.

But, the Congress and the President don't care for those three soldiers. Those troops are being used as tools to manipulate emotional support for a hopeless, senseless and Godless war. If the U.S. government cared at all about any troops, it would be assisting the Gulf War Veterans who have been stricken with the Gulf War Illnesses, which are a horribly virulent and very contagious form of AIDS that jumps species and infects even family pets. Depending on the data source used, between 100,000 and 800,000 vets have been infected with the GWI. The Congress and the President HATE them for being sick. You see, sick soldiers are useless soldiers. That is the view of our government. So the sick troops are kicked out of the military for contracting GWI serving our country in Iraq, and they are even being denied medical treatment by our government! The media doesn't report this human interest story because the media is a NWO tool.

I don't know much about Milosevic, but I know that he understands the media is a NWO tool. That's why he kicked all the journalists out of Serbia. He knows the media will lie and lie and lie, and he won't give NATO that tool to use against him. He has kicked out the journalists because he knows they are destroyers of the truth. Thomas Jefferson warned us that newspapers are so contaminated with lies that the person who does not read them is more informed than the readers of the news, because the readers get confused by lies that never trouble those who shun the scandal sheets. Times haven't changed. Milosevic has exposed the media for what it is, a lying tool of the NWO. The war correspondents must now make up their lies from outside the area of the action. For this move alone, Milosevic appears to understand his true enemy is not NATO, but the NWO. Knowing one's enemy is much more than half the battle.

We are told that the weather has sided with Serbia throughout this conflict, giving a cloud cover that impedes the air war. All informed people know that America has HAARP and can thereby control the weather to some degree. Obviously this HAARP equipment has not been able to clear the cloud cover over Serbia. So, why would the Serbs be given such an assistance in the weather, which is normally within the province of God?

NATO had put a deadly pincher move on Serbia, after dismantling Yugoslavia piece by piece, and now, with Serbia surrounded, had thought it would be an easy kill. But, the Serbs won't give in to the NWO bully. Such appears their resolve, they might well fight to the last man. "Give" and "Uncle" don't seem to be in their vocabulary. All honest people must admire their courage in the face of the terrible odds; the entire Western World is against them. And, who can make war with the Beast?

Pope John-Paul II is now seeking peace in the Balkans. Why did he bolster Clinton in the middle of the Senate impeachment trial by appearing on the same podium with the president in St. Louis? Why did he not go to Columbia, and take care of earthquake victims instead of supporting Clinton. The Pope could get a lot of support in his plea for peace if he openly admitted that his visit to St. Louis was misguided because it gave the president the Church's tacit support. Had the pontiff not supported Clinton during the trial, the lying rapist might not be in the White House. Remember, Clinton bombed Afghanistan and Sudan before the trial, Iraq during the trial, and after acquittal, he's bombing Yugoslavia. The Pope backed an evil warmonger. That's what the Pope should shout to everyone on earth. Such a declaration would awaken many, and quite probably stop the war. All should pray for the Pope to do the right thing this Easter and denounce the criminal in the White House.

If the Beast continues to move on it, and Serbia eventually falls to the bloodthirsty leaders of the Rothschild dream of the NWO, let every Liberty-loving man woman and child on the globe understand that it made a valiant stand against worldwide tyranny, that it made the supreme sacrifice for those of us who love Freedom. As Texans remembered the Alamo, let all who hate oppression forever remember the courage of the people of Serbia who found internal strength when NATO blew the bridge over the Blue Danube.


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