Dearest Sister ~ ~
Well P. wanted me to respond to your sweet letter, I believe he thought, as I come from Los Angeles and am here in Glastonbury on sabbatical as you know doing my personalized Work, which is deep multidimensional research and experiences of Divinity, of which I am channelling my awareness into a book project.
I wish to only offer my own perspective of what is going on energetically
the whole, as it relates to my own expression of the mythic life.
I believe
you may find some parallels, but you also may not. Yet, as my
sensay (a kahuna
and a ninjinsu black belt---who initiated me in Mind over Matter 'tests'),
to me once: "take what you want from the buffet of knowledge
and insights
offered to you" onto your PERSONAL 'plate' of truth, you don't have
to eat the
whole dish or even sample it if you don't chose to!!! Indeed,
for each of
ours' piece is a portal to the One Way, but each pathway and each facet
of the
collective 'diamond body' is as a snowflake of it's own geometrical
balance, of
different elementals and combinations of Self, of Source, of Star Stuff
this complexity of alchemical creation is indeed the Essence of the
Grail we
seek. It is the same yet different at each Centre Point of the
I have divided my share into 4 pieces, first briefly, my herstory of
my 9 years
in LA, second my relationship with that land and people, thirdly I
another perspective of letting go and these times and finally I speak
on the
true 'Place' we seek and why indeed I have come to Avalon. ~
1. My Herstory in Los Angeles:
I came to Los Angeles at 23 years old still with 'me feets' in both
worlds: one
still walking in what I was 'undreaming' from my karmic psychic and
imprints --- what I came to detox and heal on behalf of my family and
communities I was born into ===> and the other foot moving towards
awakening whirls of the dreaming awake, the transcendental paradigm
which is
still truly dawning into the manifested world. I was in various
realms of the
former, via my life in marketing, sales, pr, copyrighting, professional
organizing, etc. --- while in the latter realm, I simultaneously worked
steadfastly and quite deeply on my emotional body healing via jungian/
therapy, inner child work, shame and trauma clearing, rebirthing, all
kinds of
physical and energetic body balancing via macrobiotics, yoga, etc.
etc. .. I
was linked into the 12-step movement and all aspects of the adult recovery
scene, etc. And I was very involved w/ John Bradshaw and Marianne
and ended up working indirectly for the latter thru her Los Angeles
Centre for
Living, and helped produce Aids Ride Across America.
By 27-29 years old things became culminated, and the process accelerated
consciousness, to where I could say I was loving mySelf and also healing
outer world thru my inner Quest... I ended up facilitating Course
In Miracles
Groups --- and soon thereafter, getting involved with an invisible
'lightworker' movement that taught the principals of 'mastery, choice
intention' through 'Light Beings' from a realm out of dimensionality...
the Reality of this was something so sacred and true to my CORE, that
I cannot
even begin to try to explain or prove it, just suffice to say that
all our
lives (100 or so souls) changed, or rather returned, to an understanding
Love that was palatable and life transforming in all possible and imaginable
ways, and was very demonstrative individually and collectively ...
The Initiations took a greater road from there on out. I lived
in the
Hollywood Hills, in Beachwood Canyon, right by the Annie Basant Lodge
in those
years. There were amazing synchronicities of how the Ancient-Future
of Lemuria and beyond were in the earth grid in the City of Angels....
and how
my psychic gifts and chakrahs opened to an understanding of what my
'tribe' was
up to in that sacred city of wonder, and on that very special 'always
landscape. After I 'graduated' from the Light Beings' 'trainings',
I then
began to gather a loosely informal group of Initiates and Seekers and
our Work as 'The Lights of the Round Table'. We held monthly
Full Moon and
Equinox and Solstice ceremonies for the 2 years prior to my coming
here in June
of 99. We did lots of Work on the 'grid' and anchoring in our
awareness and
compassion for the issues confronting our world and as it outpictured
in Los
Angeles. Yes, this was truly a time of duality, what we were
'holding' and
what was still seemingly happening 'out there'.~
I explain all of this as briefly, yet as detailed, as I can, to give
you some
background and some sense of my journey, to be now Here.
2. Why I still 'love LA'
So, let me now put forth that:
~ I do NOT think that LA is 'less' of a vortex of
power, than Glastonbury
-- I however find the frequencies -different- and I also
see parallels in
their respective spiritual communities. In the realms that I
walked, even
before the 'lightwork' days, I found LA to be a microcosm and a Mecca
healing many global issues facing our planet. In the recovery
movements, I
found a willingness to face generations of deep psychic sicknesses
that I
believe is profound and even more 'out' in mainstream life than anywhere.
Marianne used to lecture 1-2 times a week. These kinds of LARGE
groups have
been meeting everywhere in LA since it's Western Development, since
the early
days of it's establishment. The Hollywood Sign Hill, which is
the apex of the
major vortex that starts a phi spiral at the Hollywood Bowl, is one
of the
most powerful energy spots I have experienced in the world, and the
of that hill was founded as a community by a bunch of underground mystics
theosophists. The fires, floods, earthquakes, OJ, and the riots---I
was there
for it all, and in my humble estimation, it really changed the collective
psyche's relationship w/ each other and with Nature... in a very authentic
beautifully deepening way.
(I do not envision that land falling in the ocean I see some changes,
and I
see MANY leaving ALL citadels where the false matrixes of control greed
separation are created for us to believe in not enough... I see many
leaving it
all, the old world lies, and walking 'back to the garden'... but I
see it
happening with Power and Ease, like a new-age birth~! )
Like everywhere, the 'Cultural Creatives' are hidden in the midst and
the mists
of some of the surface lives... The individuals I have met in Los Angeles,
in 'regular' life, have a 'deep sense' in their bodies.... because
of these
collective events and the popularity of recovery and new-age principals,
of the most enlightened people I know lead very very integrated lives
in those
realms, and still have 'both feets' like golden bridges of the coming
dawn. My
opinion it is the simple workers in the arts and entertainment industry
hold a lot of the higher-ground 'space' in LA.
And I remember YOU are holding your light there-in.... and I know so
so many
amazingly adjusted and stable souls that are courting their love and
truth thru
the realms of Hollywood.
And didn't you do this kind of 'mini-producing' in Glastonbury?
3. Letting go, Current Cosmic Energies ~
For me, the yuppie games of my own insanity, came to a head at a certain
over 3 years back, cuz I realized that my 'talented and gifted' 'tag'
as a
child had just made me more traumatized by 'buying out' into the 'game'
--- it
had to do w my inner child, family and genetic wounds around survival...
onion had been peeled and peeled, and I wound out those layers and
the spiral
literally bottomed out, and I had to 'empty rice bowl' in order to
rebuild from
a more suitable foundation. I do NOT think that is the required
course for
most, it has to do with my darmah, destiny, astrology --- literally
the oracle
of -my- life. I had to really let go and surrender to understand
where my
Worth lay. I indeed jumped off the cliff like a fool, only to
be caught by
angels and have survived most of this Fall to Earth.
I feel that we will all be living in stranger and stranger energetic
times from
here on out, and that the Land and our connection to it will indeed
be -one-
key to unlocking the mysteries of the New Reign of Reality that is
upon us. There is no way 'out' but IN, in my cosmology, and that
is why my
alliance with the Goddess and Pagan religions has been a natural and
remembrance to what I call the Ancient Future, being fully awake in
dimensionalities. I feel another key for adjusting to the new
vibrations of our End Times, the end of the split mind and the Return
to the
Whole Spiral of Reality ~ ~ another key, is for each soul to follow
Mystery... their Living Oracle. For me, it was a return to the
Sacred Artist
as a focus, and as a deeper devotion.
All the other 'tools' I learnt that I tossed to the wind, they are all
dropped back in, but from a deeper commitment to how I can use them
and be of
Service to Life and Humanity.
4. Why I left LA, and why I have come to Avalon ~
So now I will also offer:
~ LA -did- get hard on me, in the end. But
I do NOT think it was LA, it
was "=MY= LA", just like I didn't come here to be in Glastonbury but
to find MY
Avalon, it was a deep personal return to my own unwinding story and
pivotal in
the meaning of my life and the stories that have served it's remembrance
Self in the larger, transpersonal Life. I know that LA is a safe
place for
many, but it in the end represented the end of my 9 year sojourn, and
that wave
was collapsing in my own world, in the outpictured landscape of my
own soul's
mind. I had to come here to my Tower to return to a new wellspring
of my
inspiration. For 3 years I have been walking off the grid to
this Place, and
it truly is not a physical realm where I live now. This is new
terrain, and I
have worked hard to get here.
~ the great paradox is that it also IS about this
land, at once. I know my
Destiny now lies here, for now, and I my training is to follow the
leads and
synchronicities, to trust the revelations of all my senses.
In closing, I would like to share the following passage which I wrote
what that unfolding has been, for me, as it has revealed itself in
the past few
"I know that this Land is a Mystery of my Soul and that it holds the
Keys of my
own unfolding, for my writing and for the Pieces of the Diamond Body
that I
came here to re-veal... I have had many experiences validating me in
this Truth
over the past month... a deep return to an even greater Knowing of
"my Avalon"
~ and my inheritance with these Realms ... like, when I was in the
South of
France, Isis spoke to me telepathically in a very new way, when I was
alone for
3 days, and literally I now know, the COURAGE TO WALK ALONE ~ is it's
greatest reward. My 'doubting voice' is nearly muted at this
point, and I am
trusting even more deeper my own reasons for doing what I do, the way
I do it,
and where ~ it is all part of my own Self-Mission in the Mysteries
of the Eras
of this planet which are now unfolding to the next phase... it is sublime,
deep, revelatory and very much Self-loving... sometimes I thought I
was a
little self-indulgent----but I know to trust that it is OKAY---I have
experience of a return to begin a Royal Priestess... and making less
for my Royalty. What I know, the keys I hold, to revere my own
Worth and the
Initiations I have gone thru, throughout time and space ~ it is important
me to Self-recognize in these ways. Not above another.... but
as a participant
in the Awakening."
I have NO CLUE if this has helped you sister... I have always found
that I
share what I share and people get what they get from it. I cannot
presume to
know what you needed to hear, or what advise you need from me.
If any of my
own story resonates or can assist your own process, take it and turn
it around
for your own winding, unwinding story of remembering Greater Love.
All I have
written here, is a part of my own Work and so this question P. put
to me,
is another piece in my own alchemical puzzle.
In service and devotion
your sister
seeing us all
in Her Wings
Julie, Jewels